
Women who have been raped while holding high ranking positions?

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Can anyone name any or give me a place where I can find this information?

Thank you.




  1. Cassie- Women butt into questions on here about men all the time to tell how terrible they have it, so don't worry, it all evens out.

    I Googled it and didn't come up with much of anything.  I don't think there's a database specifically about this subject.

  2. ICD is correct, male rape/sexual assault is not taken seriously. They even made a freaking board game that makes fun of male's being prison raped. Its called "Dont drop the Soap"

    I know very few examples of this, probably because rape is uncommon(compared to the amount of potential victims), but a few come to mind.

    Andrea Dworkin was raped, or supposedly raped. Nobody could verify her story, and seeing that she was rather radical about rape and assault of sexual nature against women, it could easily be argued that she simply made it up to gain credibility for her cause.

    However, although they never even caught the "rapist", the official story is that she was raped, so i will include her.

    Ummmm, c**p. I forgot my other example.

    ah well, i gave you one.

    Cassie: Which "boys" have it easy? And why do they have it easy?

    Oh, your one of those people who thinks men get some sort of leg-up in the world.

  3. I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but I think it's ridiculous how those "boys" are treating you. They have it so easy. And your right, your question has nothing to do with them. They are so inconsiderate.

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