
Women who have gave birth naturally: How bad did it hurt and a few more questions?

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Firstly how bad did giving birth hurt? My mam said it doesnt hurt as bad as painful menstrual cramps, but it feels more like shes done 50 too many crunches. She says it hurts differently for every woman, but im just interested to find out how much it hurt for many individuals?

Also, did any of you during pregnancy experience morning sickness? and was it just at morning you had it?

Did you get any strange cravings? or have wierd mood swings? (from what ive heard, some women do some women dont?)

Lastly, did people treat you differently when you were pregnant liek you were made of glass? did people give up thier seat for you on public transport? or was it quite the opposite?




  1. Contractions are painful but you can do breathing techniques to help. If you tense up and hold your breath during a contraction, it's going to hurt worse. I had morning sickness, eat saltine crackers, that's what helped me. And you can get morning sickness at anytime during the day. Mainly with this pregnancy I crave fruit and yes sometimes I have crazy mood swings. I don't really get mad but I get sad. Usually mine happen at night when I'm trying to go to sleep, my mind will start to wonder and I tend to think about sad things and I start to cry. :( Some people treat me different. Now that I'm farther along people try to help me more, my husband does more around the house and such.

  2. I gave birth all natural to my daughter and I wouldn't do it any other way. I have a pretty high pain tolerance but it didn't hurt that bad it was more discomfort than anything. I just kept thinking my baby was going to come any min and the time seemed to go by pretty fast and I was in labor for 28 hrs.

    I had something similar to morning sickness but I got it in the evening I would be fine all day but around dinner time to bed time I felt nauseous.

    I had a lot of cravings but none too out of the ordinary. If you have cravings of inedible things find out what your body is lacking. Wierd mood swings is completely normal it's like PMS for 9 months some days your happy some days sad some days mad, It's almost like being bipolar.

    Most people were very nice but others looked right through me due to my age and no ring on my finger. Some people are old fashioned and others just have general courtesy. It really all depends on who you run into. I was 18 when I had my daughter so some people were excited others looked at me in disgust either way don't let what other people think bring you down.

    Good Luck, and Congratulations!!!

  3. Well my first daughter I got an epideral so I didnt feel anything but my second I tried going more natural didnt work I gave into something forgot what it was called jut some shot of somthing it took alot of pressure off the contractions but that stuff wore off real fast when labor finally kicked in it was h**l I felt like I was dieing but once the head was out it was a breeze pain all gone after you have you child natural you relize that all the pain was well worth it whats a little while of pain to a liftime of happiness with your child

    I had morning  and afternoon sickness BAD with my first my second it was as bad it was only in the morning and it went away pretty fast I think morning sickness is the worst out of pregnancys

    pickles and ice cream I never craved but cheese chinese potatos  candy I had alot of weird foods that I would combine together its normalle dont worry

    people will treat you how they should treat people they will be nice lol I always injoyed of ppl were nice to me I was never on public tansport so I wont know about that but i can tell you that you will run into a few that will be jelouse dont pay any mind to them good luck

  4. Contractions hurt! Like a lot, mine were 100 times worse then menstrual cramps. I still did it all natural though and will be again with this baby.

    I had horrible morning sickness from 6-12 weeks, so bad that I was finally put on Diclectin as I was losing weight.

    My hubby is treating me like glass, lol.. its hard to convince him that I  can do things, but its sweet at the same time :)

  5. i delivered my daughter naturally, but i had an epidural.  Before the epidural the contractions were the evil mix of menstrual cramps and going #2 cramps....but on crack.  and it didn't let up.  I was able to walk and talk during them and never felt the need to scream.  After the epidural i was able to relax and rest until it was time to push.  Once  i was pushing i really felt lots of pressure.  as she came further down, and closer to when she was actually born, the pain got more localized and intense.  i pushed for 2 1/2 hours.

    I had several boughts of nausea early on in my pregnancy, but i never got sick.  The nausea hit at different times of the day, mostly at dinner-time or late afternoon, i think.  

    No strange cravings...just wanted pizza or cheese a lot.  i don't think i had any strange mood swings, but maybe that is a question better answered by my husband, lol!

    Some people treated me differently.   If we went to a restaurant and we had to wait for a table, someone else who was waiting would usually give up a seat in the lobby or bar so i could sit down.  Didnt' take public transport when i was pregnant, so i don't know about that.  I didn't get any little old ladies who wanted to touch my belly either.  My in-laws were sweet...they wouldn't let me walk down their front steps without one of them taking my arm.

  6. I had 100% natural labor! However I ended up being in labor for 43 hours and my sons head was crowned for 1.5 hours. My son ended up breaking my pelvis, so I had to have an emergency c-section. I was very up set at how the hospital waited so long to get him out! I was at 10cm for over 13 hours! ( We are thinking about taking legal actions) Anyways, Labor for me was insanely painful to the point that I was on oxygen and I was vomiting from the pain. At first it was like very hard and strong menstrual cramps until I got to 4 cm then they started to get very painful. Then It was out of my hands after my son broke my pelvis ( this is very very rare, so don't get all worried) I am thankful however that he did break my pelvis because I truely believe that I could have lost my life or my son's because the doctor didn't know what she was doing! So I am gald another doctor got my little angel out in time!

    As for your next question:

    I had "all day" sickness with my first. ( he is now 2.) That started when I was aound 7 weeks and never stopped until he was born!  With this baby ( I am 3months and a 1day)  I am having a pretty nice pregnancy! I have some mild morning (again all day sicknees) but it only happenes every other or third day! I am not the type of person who throws up, but with both babies I am a vomiting monster!  Some things that I have found to help me not run to the bathroom so much are...

    If you eat jelly beans when you first get up. I keep a bowl of them on my dresser by my bed and I eat 5 or 6 as soon as I get up. It put sugar into your system so your hormone calm down!

    Whenever I feel sick during the day or at night, I take a minute to either lay down or sit and I take VERY deep breaths, then I get a glass of luke warm water and drink it very slowly. Sometimes it helps and some times it doesn't.

    Cravings: I only craved ice, I later found out that it was because my body was low on iron. That was with my first.

    With this baby I have been craving blackberry yogurt.

    Lastly: My husband didn't treat me like glass per say, but he did make sure I was always comfortable. He would make me dinner and run my bath water ( mind you this was when I was about to pop, I waddle every where and was tired!) He always has treated me like a queen and I treat him like a king! He is a good person, and he is an amazing father!

  7. I felt most of the pain in my back. it felt like I had been sitting wrong all day and was getting a sore lower back. It progressively got worse, feeling like sharp stabbing pains in my back.  My menstrual cramps were worse than this feeling.  

    Everyone did treat me different. I would constantly be told things like: maybe you shouldn't be doing that, you shouldn't clean with that soap, you shouldn't be eating that, that's too heavy for you to lift, do you need a nap, do you need help. Everyone would give me their chair, give me the front seat in the car, open doors for me. I know everyone is well meaning but I know how to take care of myself.

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