
Women who have given birth... your opinion ?

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Which did you think hurt more during the birth: the head emerging, or the shoulders emerging?




  1. i think head, after that you just cant feel, it a massive head pushing it's way out. i am def not doing that again!!!

  2. usually after the head is out, the body slides right out.  

  3. I have given birth to five sons vaginally and I'm pregnant with twins.

    It differed in every case. Overall I would say that the shoulders hurt the most. They pretty much all had broad shoulders so the pain was close to unbearable when I pushed. But they're worth it !

  4. head.

  5. Neither. I birthed my son with out any meds.  There was no pain.  just lots of pressure, my son put his head into my back and fought coming out too.  it was just lots of cramps, some women cant handle the cramps of an bad monthly.  Its about 10 time that.  Its only bad when you dont push when its time.  So Push when you are dialated and it wont be so bad.  

    Its all about how you see it in your head.  My mother birthed both my brother and I with out meds.

    I was soo excited about the head being out and my son crying that I didnt want to push anymore I told the doc to just pull him out, they said no you have to push.  I did of corse, it was so relieving to have him out after 2 hours of pushing, the pressure was gone and there still was no pain.

    The contractions got bad towards the end, that was the only hard part, sleeping through them, and also moving around.    Otherwise the whole thing was moving onto the next stage, from carrying the child to caring for the child.

    Just have to focus on what your body is doing and the baby and not how much it could hurt or not hurt.  Thinking of pain makes it worse.  

    Good luck

  6. Being cut open hurts really bad, worse than vaginal as i have been told.

  7. I opted for an epidural. But I would imagine the shoulders because they're wider than the head is.

  8. i had a totally natural labor and i honestly don't remember...everything happened very fast for me...i only pushed about 3 times! neither one must have been too terrible, or i would have remembered! lol...

  9. most people say its the head that hurts the most and then everything slides right out. but im telling you my baby had massive shoulders!! i have to say the shoulders.

  10. Don't know didn't feel anything i had an epidural

  11. I would have to say the head,but giving birth to a premature baby is heaps worse i was always told because a prem baby is smaller its less painfull uh uh not true prem babies are worse as i was saying before yes deffo the head.

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