
Women who have had a VBAC- please read?

by Guest65471  |  earlier

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I had a really wonderful pregnancy last year. But, when I was talked into being induced and things went wrong and ended up with a c-section, it was really hard to get over the experience. Granted of course my 7-month old baby girl is healthy and wonderful, it was a remarkably sad experience for me. This time I want a midwife, maybe a doula, and I want a vaginal delivery. I have heard that this is difficult. I have heard that there's a chance the uterus can rupture and possibly lead to death. After my own experience and watching the film "The Business of Being Born," I refuse to go in for a scheduled c-section next time. I want to try to give birth vaginally and naturally. Can you tell me your thoughts and own experiences? Thank you. (My husband and I are going to be trying to conceive next month.)




  1. My first was a c-section because he was turned facing up instead of down.  Pushed for three hours, then c-section.  My second and third were both vbac's and the most wonderful experiences.  your chances of rupture, as long as you had a low transverse incision, are less than 1%.  there are warning signs during labor if you start to rupture, and usually it is no problem.  great times with my second labors and births.  you can do it, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't.  Pushing may take as long as a first baby since your first was a c-section, but it was so worth it!!!!!!! Good luck!

  2. I am not sure why  you needed an induced pregnancy or c-section.

    My sister is diabetic so they induced labour in the case of her first 2 sons because of possible complications carrying the baby full term.

    If you do not have the space to have a natural birth such as narrow hips, and there is possibility of grave consequences for either you or your baby you should listen to the Dr and not chance the natural delivery. It is not always the best idea to do things the way we want to and I would advise you to seek the opinion of another gynaecologist before making a final decision.

    Your health and that of your baby should be foremost in the decision of how you are to give birth.

    I wish you well in your attempts to increase your family and making an informed choice on how to give birth.

    ( underwater birthing-by the way- is supposed to aid in a natural childbirth.)

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