
Women who have had a misdiagnosed miscarriage or a miscarriage in general. . ?

by Guest56024  |  earlier

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Please, if you don't mind sharing your story, I'd really appreciate it.

I'm in the waiting process of miscarrying. I should be 8 weeks but my baby measured only 7 weeks with no heart beat. I'm sad =[. I'm spotting. The doctor said I should start miscarrying in a few days. It's been 4 days and it's killing me waiting.

I would just like to hear some misdiagnosed miscarriages or just miscarriages in general, if you don't mind. Thank you.




  1. I am so sorry. This is very very hard. It is sad. I had a miscarriage at almost the same time in my 3rd pregnancy. I knew because I never quit spotting. I always 'knew' something wasn't right with the pregnancy. The morning I went in for my D-n-C was when I had my ultrasound and there was my precious little baby, no heartbeat. I kept the ultrasound picture, still have it. :)  I can tell you this, the physical pain will get intense, and with the emotional pain it will seem unbearable. BUT not undo-able.

    My recommendation: get the DnC as soon as you can to avoid the intense physical pain. If they know there is no heartbeat, it's better. I didn't want to wait to pass the fetus. It was too painful emotionally.

    The thing that was comforting to me was knowing how common miscarriages really are. It's like 80% of all pregnancies, that's a lot! So don't worry too much, many of us have been through it before.

    Mine was 2 1/2 years ago and I have never stopped thinking about her (I thought it was girl, so I just always say 'her.' makes it seem like a baby instead of 'it.')  ALLOW YOURSELF TO CRY. ALLOW YOURSELF TO GRIEVE. DON'T LET WELL-MEANING PEOPLE TELL YOU 'IT'S JUST MEANT TO BE.' They will tell you that, but you don't have to continue the conversation. Just say, 'I am very sad about it, even if it wasn't.' People will say many things to try to help you feel better but you won't, and THAT'S OK. Whatever you are feeling right now, unless it is self harm or something, is ok. Cry, grieve, ask why, and will have a sense of peace eventually. I still get sad, but I am also happy because I believe my baby is an angel in Heaven looking down on us. I am pregnant again, and so far so you can look forward to hope in the future also. :)

    I don't know if you are a Christian or pray or whatever, but if you are, I offered my miscarriage up as a sacrifice intention for all the abortions committed every year, and for childless couples who can't conceive. It helped ease the emotional pain, that I could make a sacrifice on those unborn babies' behalf. God hears our intentions. He makes good out of everything, even if we can't see it now.  Of course, this may be one of those things that I said people will say to try to make you feel better. ;) If it is, you can disregard. But offering it up really helped me.

    Good luck. My prayers are with you.

  2. sorry for your loss. I lost one at 24 weeks -- some Dr's say miscarriage; others say stillbirth. It's the greatest loss I've ever known. Hold the children you have a little tighter, if they'll let you.

  3. I am sorry.  

  4. Im sorry for your loss. It is a very painful thing to go through. I got pregnat for the first time in september of last year. I remember feeling all the symptons and my period was even a week late, but then I miscarried at 32 days in my cycle. I was so sad then, but not like I was the second time. I got pregnant again the next month in october and was so excited. I was for sure it was going to be my little boy I wanted. I didn't have any morning sickness, but lots of heartburn. Around 10 weeks of pregnancy I started having brown bleeding that was real light. It scared me but my boyfriend said his ex wife did the same thing with their son. And my sister and mom told me that sometimes it happens. I hadn't gone to the doctor at this point because of money situation and being in the middle of trying to file bankruptcy. I went a head and made an appointment. And the bleeding stopped of about a week. At 12wks I saw the doctor and I heard a healthy heartbeat of 166 beats per minute and was so excited. Because I had read that chances of miscarriage should only be about 2% now. Then I started bleeding again, and at 14wks almost 15wks I went back to the doctor to get it checked out, and He said that my cervix was just irritated from how it healed from a procedure I had done two years before. But told me to not worry that it had nothing to do with the baby. I also heard that baby's heartbeat at that visit as well. Then at 16wks I was at work doing a night shift and I remeber thinking that my belly hadn't grown much and that I wasn't really having any symptons. And right before my shift ended I got this real sharp pain in my stomach. I actually stood up out of my chair it hurt so bad. I was schedule for a routine blood workup that day at the doctor and went in. I had noticed my brown bleeding was a little thicker and I mentioned it to the doctor, but didn't feel anything was wrong. Until he went to listen to the heartbeat and there wasn't anything there. They then did an ultra sound and there was no movement or heartbeat. I saw it but it wasn't alive. I was so devestated. I had the D N C the next morning.

    I am now 15wks pregnant again on monday and I had a scan done last week that showed a healthy 14.6wk baby moving with a healthy heartbeat. But i still get scared everytime that I go in that they are not going to find that heartbeat again. And everytime they do i breathe a sigh of relief. And I know that I will worry until Im holding my baby in my arms. This time Im not having any bleeding at all, and my belly is growing great and I feel pregnant everyday. Im scared and excited at the same time. I have read that most women will lose there first baby, but then go on to have healthy pregnancies afterwards. Just listen to your doctor and let your body heal in the right amount of time and then try again. Make sure you keep taking your prenatals even though you are no longer pregnant again because they will help. And again Im sorry for your loss. I will always remeber my little angel that never made it but is in heaven now, and so will you.  

  5. I have had 1 but it didnt end well. I was about 11 weeks. Its really hard to deal with. I had mine in the ER at about 2 am. You will pass some scary looking things sometime soon. Anything grey or dark blue is not good. Im so sorry. I am 5 months pregnant now- and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about what I had. It will be harder to deal with around the date you were "due" also. I hope that your ok and I hope that you have another in the near future. Im so sorry.....

  6. I had a miscarriage at about the same point you are at.  The fetus had stopped growing and was expelled about 10 days after I had an ultrasound and found out.  Being so early in the pregnancy, mine was not really any different than a regular period.  I hope that yours will be uneventful and that you can start trying for another baby in a few months.  Good luck to you and my sympathies for your loss.

  7. Are you having a natural miscarriage? I had one. I'm not trying to scare you but it was very painful, and there was a lot of blood. The cramps were the worst I had ever had. I threw up and passed out once. I was passing huge blood clots and when it wasn't blood clots it was just blood pouring out. Sorry if that's too much information. I was farther along than you though, so it might not be as bad. I made the decision to do it naturally big mistake but you should be able to decide to and I'd go another way if I were you.

  8. I just miscarried at approximately 6 weeks.  Sunday I just felt different and Monday night I started to spot.  Tuesday my blood test showed a decrease in hormones instead of an increase and we knew I was losing the baby.  It took 2 days for things to progress but yesterday I had a lot of cramping and some heavy bleeding.  Today wasn't nearly as bad, but I still have cramps on and off and I've noticed that most of my pregnancy symptoms have diminished or stopped all together.  I had an exam yesterday by a nurse midwife and she said my body is doing as it should and hopefully I won't need a D&C.  It's been heartbreaking but there was nothing I could do to stop or prevent it.  :-S

  9. honey, i am so sorry. It sucks! We have had 5 m/c~ 3 of them were "missed m/c", we went in for ultrasound and no heartbeat and baby uaually measured smaller that thought. I had to have a d&c with 2 of them, i just didnt want to wait anymore, i dont think that anyone should be judges either way if they choose to have a d&c or ride it out, it really is a very personal emotion and you really need to share this someone, i am always available ny email, holding it in and trying to be strong does not help! I had very bad problems after my last 2 m/c because i just didnt allow myself to grieve, i did not even cry for a couple of months following. Please take care of yourself and know that in no way was this your fault, you lost a baby and you can and should grieve, BUT also know that there is light at the end of this tunnel and you WILL have a baby. GOD BLESS honey and take care!

  10. To make a long story shorter...My last period was June 6th. July 6th came and no period. Couple days later I decided to take a test bc I am never late. It was neg. I waited a week and took another, it too was neg. I called the Dr and she said to come in for a blood test and it too was neg! I still felt pregnant so she said to come back in 2 days for another blood test bc the HCG levels raise every 2 days. This one was positive! So we scheduled an ultra sound once my levels got to 1600 bc they were worried about an ectopic. When we went in the sac was in the uterus measuring at 5 wks and 3 days but there was no baby and no heartbeat. So they wanted me to come back in a week for another US to check it. A few days later I started spotting and when i went in for my US still no heartbeat or baby and the sac only measured at 5 wks and 4 days. No growth :( According to my last period I should have been going on 7 weeks!! They sent me home telling they thought I had a blighted ovum and told me what to expect with a miscarriage. I pretty much had no hope at all when i left the US bc of all the stuff they were saying to me. My Ob told me to come back in one more week to be sure there was no baby but in her experience there would be no change. So I went home to worry and be anxious about it for a whole week. Waiting for the miscarriage to happen. I had no pain and no bleeding. I found this awesome website  that gave me some hope. I went in the next week for my US, scared to death bc I just knew what they were going to say and I didn't want to hear it. But when they brought it up on the US screen..I saw something moving!!! I said "is that the baby?" She said to be sure she wanted to do a vaginal ultra sound (which I reccomend) So they did, and there it was our little baby and its heart beating away!! how much difference 1 week made!! The baby measured at 6 weeks and 4 days and according to my last period I should have been almost 9 weeks. My Ob said I must have just ovulated and got pregnant late in my cycle. I am now 9 weeks along and the baby still has a strong heartrate of 180!! I would def. get a second opinion and the vaginal ultra sound b4 making any desicions or giving up.  Dr's can be wrong..only God knows what is in store for your baby :)

  11. I'm so very sorry, Iv had a miscarriage its one of the toughest things to go through believe me I know i fell apart when it happened. Trust me though with time it gets better, keep busy, ut helps to keep your mind off of it. I was  suppose to be about 8 weeks when i found out but they told me when the baby actually had past it was about 6 weeks. I wolk up one morning and was crapping and spotting i waited a while and throughout the day spotting lead to bleeding more heavily. So I went to the emergency room. No one can tell you why this happens, why your baby passe's and i think that's the worst part of it. I'm now 38 weeks pregnant, i conceived a month in a half later after miscarring and look how far i am now. So don't be scard that it will happen again, sometimes in life you just have to take second chances and i did and now it was the best choice i ever made (to try to conceive again) it helped my wounded heart at least, it gave me hope.

  12. I'm so sorry, I know how bad you feel.  

    I had one miscarriage, Started spotting when I was about 9 weeks, had internal ultra sound done and knew something was wrong when the tec would not tell my husband and I anything and she turned the monitor away from me.  

    All my Dr told me is that it was not a good baby.  This was after having to deal with his assistant (whom I didn't like to begin with)during the ordeal because my Dr was on vacation.  They admitted me that day, without telling me what was wrong, that the Dr would come and speak to us.  Well, 2 hrs later my husband went out to smoke, and the other Dr came in my room (thank goodness the nurse was there) and says "your babies dead, what do you want to do?"  Well I couldn't even answer him, I just sat there not knowing weather to scream, cry, or what. The nurse told him (none to politely I might add) that she would talk to me and my husband (when he came back) and she would page him and let him know our decision. And I just broke down when he walked out, needless to say he's lucky he wasn't around when my husband came back.  Anyway, we decided to do a D&C, because there was no way I could of handled what your going through right now.

    Your a very strong woman, you'll get another chance when you are ready.  I had a beautiful baby girl almost 2 years later.

    Though the pain gets easier, I still get sad once in a while.  My son was 4 at the time and wondered why I was so sad and had thought we went to the hospital to get "his" baby. see we had just told him the previous week that Mommy was going to have a baby, that it would grow in her belly and make her belly big. Then When the baby was ready we would go to the hospital and the Dr would take the baby out and then Mommy and his new brother or sister would come home.

    Well he stayed with my Mom while I was in the hospital and he thought I went to get the baby, cause Mom Mom told him I was in the hospital. So of course at 4 he was looking for the baby when we got home. We ended up telling him that the baby was really sick and that Jesus took the baby back to heaven with him to get better and would send the baby back when the baby was all better.

    That seemed to help both him and I. I wish you the best of luck, your in my thoughts and prayers.

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