
Women: would it bother you if a male cashier at a liquor store?

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tried to be way too friendly to you and threw the quarter (the change) into the palm of your hand as if he was showing a special performance or something, instead of politely handing it to you.

Also, would u consider it annoying when a cashier at a grocery store asked multiple questions for example, do you have a special plan for today? or weekend? stuff like that?

What's the motive of doing this unnecessary behavior or conversation?




  1. um, I am a waiter and despised getting tables with your kind of attitude.

  2. the motive is being friendly. Take it for what its worth, they probably have those jobs because they are good with people and part of that is making small talk.Why would you find it annoying if someone it being friendly? would you rather they ignore your and not even say " have a nice day"?

  3. would it bother you if I suggested that you get over yourself?

  4. your pretty full of yourself  

  5. I would be glad that he's being friendly.  

  6. I think you are reading WAY too much into people's reaction to you, I mean are you really this compelling that people are fawning over you in the liquor store?  I think that the clerks are probably treating everyone this way b/c maybe they are friendly and outgoing and enjoy interacting with others.  I mean not everyone interprets "hello" as stalking...

  7. no not at all. what do you have against people giving you a service  being friendly to you. next tome you go out in public wear a big button that says I'M  MUCH TO GOOD TO SPEAK TO YOU , SO PLEASE SHUT THE h**l UP.  then when one of them ingrates tries to be nice to you, you can just frown and point to the button.  after all, the nice friendly people needs to be put in there place. it sounds like your just the person for that job.    

  8. He hopes you'll eventually bite which will inflate his puny ego.

    I had a male cashier do exactly these things to me, even though I made it clearly obvious I wasn't interested.  This guy persisted for months with the smarmy innuendos and chitchat and trying to caress my hand when he gave me my change. ewww

    Why didn't I report him to his boss?  He WAS the boss and owner of the best corner market and liquor store in the area.  What are you gonna do? *shrugs*

    ***and dont let some of these people try to make you feel guilty about listening to your gut instincts.  If you think the guy is trying to make you feel icky...he probably is.  Go someplace else to shop.

  9. I am not annoyed by a male cashier going out of his way to be friendly.

    He may just be trying to work up the nerve to ask me out, flirting or........  he may just be a friendly man!

    I have had both male and female cashiers ask about my's called making small talk.

    I'm not offended by normal human interaction.

  10. No, it's just making conversation.

  11. I make small talk all the time with men and women when checking out-but if someone chats me up and it makes me feel uncomfortable, and they do it more than once, I just stop going there.  

  12. No.  I like making conversation with people.  

  13. its all depends on if he is good looking

  14. Nope. There's more important things for people to be bothered about, don't you think?

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