
Women would you cheat on your spouse with a guy who was known to have a big p***s??And was perfect in bed?

by  |  earlier

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Just curious




  1. ...depends on how BIG IT IS?...JOKE!!!

  2. Surely. I always do. The bigger the better. Are you talking about yourself?

  3. no - my husband is perfect in bed for me. And if he wasn't I wouldn't have married him in the first place.

  4. In my dating years I found out that the ones rumored to be large and great, were not large, and not great.  So, that would not entice me.

  5. That's just a stupid reason. Why would you even ask that? unless you're a unfaithfully w***e.....

  6. If I really love my husband I wouldn't cos I definitely wouldn't forgive a cheting.

  7. I wouldn't be married if I was willing to cheat on the person I'm with.

  8. h**l no, i love my man too much for just a p***s,  

  9. Sadly I know women who would cheat for less.

  10. lol nope.. what did you expect when you ask a question like that? Thanks for the laugh though. :)

  11. no.

  12. I would not cheat on him for any reason. A big p***s does not matter. Being perfect is only a matter of opinion. What is perfect for you might be ho hum to me.  

  13. HECK NO.

  14. First, I wouldn't cheat.  If someone in a relationship decides they want to cheat, they should end the first relationship before getting into the other one.  If it's not worth ending the relationship over, then it's not worth cheating in the first place.

    Second, size is good, BUT it's more about how it's used!  AND, for me, the emotional connection is the best part, not the physical attributes...

  15. if i knew u were good in bed yes. Just cause of the bigger p***s i would have to say no to that. I dont like a bigger p***s i prefer smaller ones.

  16. Why should i do that if i am  happy with my man no no i cant,he can have all that en sick en rotten

  17. You must be one of those morons who thick the sun rises and sets on their *****.

    For your information, some of us have integrity.

  18. My GF told me she wanted to try my buddy, because of the rumor. She did, had her fun, but came home to me. Do I fault her for being curious? No, and I still love her.  

  19. blimey! not even for a billion dollars! ugh!

  20. Nah thats a dumb reason to cheat. Truthfully women usually only cheat if they are unhappy with their marriage and meet someone nicer, handsomer etc. lol.  Also what if that man with a big p***s and is perfect in bed is ugly as h**l?1 lol you didn't mention his looks lol.

    Anyhoo yeah so the answer would be no, unless the women is a s*x addict  

  21. You got to have more going for you then a big p***s and be great in bed to break up someone's marriage. Most women don't get married to just have s*x. If that's all we want, then we don't need to get married.

  22. d**n, your husband married a s**t.

  23. As a husband if my wife did it i would divorce her.  If that is what you wanted then you should not have married your husband, especially if you feel he is inadequate.

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