
Women would you feel comfortable if your man commented on another man's looks?

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I just wondering how women feel about this? Because women have no problem commenting on another woman's looks. She looks hot, she's s**y, she has a nice ***, she has nice legs, etc. Men don't do this. Why are women so comfortable with this? Why aren't men? How would you feel if men started doing this?




  1. As a guy I often remark on other men’s appearances to my gf.  I think it’s healthy and I love when my gf does the same with other women.  I see it as a way to breakdown any insecurities between us.  It also allows you to understand what it is your partner finds exotic or attractive.  I can see it as an issue if you’re younger but I tell ya, it leads to some really interesting conversations.  

  2. Jitter, I'm a jealous B! I don't comment on other women unless he asks, and usually it would be about clothes or something. I don't know what I'd think if he said wow that guy has a nice *ss! Maybe if he was talking about working out and he wants his chest like that guys or something. I'd feel weird if it was sexual.

    Nice to see you askin!

  3. My boyfriend does, especially if he sees a really archetypally good looking or talented Black man. He goes "HE'S SO BLACK!!" (In a humorous but totally complimentary way.) I think my boyfriend secretly wishes he were Black.

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