
Women: would you marry a man who refused to wear a wedding ring?

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So he keeps his independence and isn't labeled as property.




  1. A ring doesn't make you property. Otherwise only the submissive partner in a relationship would wear one.

    It's just a signal to show that you are married to someone. Personally, I wouldn't mind if western culture had a custom of non-married romantic couples wearing some kind of indicator - it would be a hint to women I might talk to casually that I'm not trying to get into their pants.

  2. No I would not.  If he doesn't love you enough to wear the one symbol that he is now united in an enternal marriage, he needs to get his priorties straight.  And if he doesn't wear his weeding ring, people will think he is single and might try to hit on him...

    if he loves you, he would want to wear it.

  3. Sure, as long as he felt the same about his wife not wearing her wedding ring so she keeps her independence and isn't labeled as  property.

    Mine wouldn't wear his ring, so I stopped wearing my ring too.  I didn't say anything, just stopped wearing it, like he did.  Suddenly his ring appeared on his finger, and I got a new and bigger diamond and eternity style wedding band for my very next anniversary.

    EDIT:  IF the man is not wearing it because of safety or work issues, that is a different story.  Safety ALWAYS comes first.  This man is not wearing it because of "indendence and property" issues.

  4. ummm depends, if he refuses to b/c of where/how he works then yes, if its just b/c he dosnt want to then probly not, id stay as a cupple! it would be hard knowing that he didnt want to signify to the world that you were together! but hard to say!

  5. Wow you don't need to get married then it not property it just telling women yes he married that all your very insecure about marriage

  6. acourse i would. a wedding band dont symbolize your marriage. a wedding band is just a piece of jewelry to show off. if the young man says he love you and would do any thing for you then trust and believe him. dont let materialistic things stop you from keeping you happy for a lifetime

  7. i have. i was married to a man in the air force who couldn't wear his ring because he was an electrician on jets. i certainly didn't want him getting electrocuted. plus, he wasn't that fond of jewelry. no biggie.

  8. Depends on the man.  My ex never wore his, but that was only to hide the fact that he was married I believe.  And yes, we are divorced now.

  9. I did, and he always "lost" his. I actually bought him another one because I hoped he would think it was cool and not so much as a wedding ring... this is it here.

    And he always seemed to loose that too.

    We weren't ever together because he liked going out, and combine that and not wearing the ring, well..

    Let's just say next time I would prefer he'd wear one, but I won't force the issue. I think it means as much as what you put into it.

  10. I would be hurt. He isn't being labeled as property, it's a symbol of everlasting love between him and his wife. A sign of love and faithfulness.

    The wedding ring is a visible sign that the couple are committed to one another.

    I guess I can't say whether I'd marry him or not, not knowing him-BUT I would be concerned.

    Does he insist on you wearing a ring or is he okay either way?

  11. Sure. We have to trust on your partner,  I guess, that's why you committed on firs place. I'd been cheated, but wouldn't be avoided just for some kind of label more than the actions of that jerk

  12. No. It shows that he isn't ready for commitment. The only way being seen as married would cramp his style is in meeting dating prospects, so you can almost count on him cheating. Run away as fast as you can and find a man who actually wants to be married (ie. make his commitment to you public).

  13. must have commitment issues, wants women to think he's still available.... dont wear yours then, better yet where it on your right ring finger...

  14. In my husbands profession it was a plus to be seen as married.      

    If we chose together not to wear rings that would be fine.

  15. I would not be as worried about the ring- as I would be about the worry for indepedence and not being labeled.

    My husband finds more women "hit" on him when he wears his ring.  He is a Dr. and removes it for sx. days.

  16. No, it doesn't bother me - I wear a ring on that finger now anyway - if people want to do it, cool, but I fail to see how a piece of metal on a particular finger makes a person feel more or less loved.  I could understand if a person wore one usually, but took it off when they went out, almost as if they wanted to appear single, but if they just don't want to wear one, who cares?  :-)

  17. I would not be so much worried about the fact HE would not want to wear a wedding ring, but that YOU feel the need to brand him as yours.  Lighten up.

    The emotional and mental ties can be far stronger than any physical reminder if he is truly in love with you and the burden of guilt would weigh far heavier on his heart than any old ring on his finger ever would if he did you wrong.

  18. I don't really see why he wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't mind. If he loves me enough to marry me, neither of us needs to express it in metal form.

  19. My wife did. She doesn't like it, but I can help it. It starts to feel very heavy and suffocating, plus in my business, it would damage the product that I move. Also, my knuckles swell from the manual labor that I do and it was growing very uncomfortable. I am a big guy, and in the high school, my ring size was a sixteen. Now, with my new and improved manly body, I wear almost a 24 in rings. Our wedding band was an 18 and we couldn't get it to grow any larger. Plus, since it is an issue and my wife wants the same bands and not replacements. I intend to remarry her and buy her and I new bands that are nicer and more for her to show off and see exactly how much I love her.

  20. I did marry a man who doesn't wear a wedding ring, but this is quite usual in the UK, where men don't normally wear them anyway.  Personlly, I think wedding rings on men are a bit girly.

  21. My husband wears two wedding rings.  I don't wear any.  It's our individual choice.  I feel more married without one than most people do with one. So, I guess my answer to your question is I wouldn't care if he didn't as long as he honored his vows.

  22. well i would. because some people like being independent and not being labeled like property like you said. if your in this situation explain to he why you won't. she'll take it or leave it.

  23. My husband of 20 years wore his wedding ring for only the first year or two of our marriage.  After that, he went back to being an auto-mechanic, and put it on his keychain.  It's still there, all bent out of shape.

    A wedding ring does not signify a lack of independence nor does it label a man as a woman's property.  

    Marriage is actually still a choice.  If you don't want to be married, then don't get married.  But trying to put on a farce for the world - getting married while not actually being married in your heart, mind and body, is a real time-waster.  Use your testicular fortitude and don't get married already!

  24. No. Labeled as property or as taken? It is a symbol of love, loyalty and commitment. It isn't a dog collar with tags. I say he is full of c**p if thats what he is telling you.

  25. Some us just don't like jewelry.  If he hides it you have a whole different problem, but if he just doesn't like wearing rings I don't see any problem with that.

    If you're worried that he's not committed to you because he won't wear a ring, you might want to reconsider being ready to marry him.

    A ring is nothing more than symbolic.

  26. depends on his reason for refusing to wear one? If he's a womaniser then no! If he simply hates jewellery then yeah.

  27. She can wear a ring if she wants to but I'm not.  If she wants to be married to me, that's part of it.  If not, oh well.  There's plenty others out there.

  28. You're assuming women want to marry-I certainly don't so the question is mute.

  29. i guess but he better have a goood dayum reason xD

    id make him wear it just so we can remember of eachother when we see it.

    or as long as he keeps it, but he better wear it, if he doesnt ill prob. still marry him, its his beliefs.

    but wearing a ring doesnt mean anything as to property, its a symbol of staying together forever, and rememberance & love. like a peace sign kinda.

  30. no, if the reason for not wearing it is so that he can misrepresent to other ppl that he is still available. that shows bad personality & lack of commitment rather than anything to do with a ring

  31. No! Not so he could "keep his Independence and not labeled as property" that's like saying "hello ladies I'm free and single". Now if the ring bothered him and he wore it on occasion that would be okay. The ring is a sign of your marriage and is their to remind you of eternal love. If you don't want the d**n ring then don't marry!

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