
Womens, what progress should occur in 15 years that has not occurred to your satisfaction yet?

by  |  earlier

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in particular to the progress of women and their role in society.

Oh, and please view this video. Comments on this video are graciously accepted.




  1. I would like to see the media bring the marketing of s*x, household goods, and beauty products to women to a minimum. We have other priorities now.

    I would also like to see chivalry die for good. It's not dead yet and it's taking too d**n long.

  2. 15 years eh, by then I want feminism in its current state eradicated and replaced with Humanism.


    My rooster how I adore you!!

  3. lol... I figured it'd be either Rick Roll or some kind rooster.

    Women just want normal things.

    Feminists want men to die.  It's simple as that.

  4. Not only is that rooster a boy but the horse in the background was obviously a boy too...didn't care for the song, love animals though...I, as a woman am satisfied with my role in society...these young women have a lot to learn in the next 15 years...such as if their boyfriend throws his drawers on the floor, that is not sexual oppression...

  5. I would like to see capable women in combat roles.

    I would like to see double standards concerning women and men's sexuality disappear (and double standards concerning sexual choices).

    I would like to see equal treatment of men and women in the court systems.

    I would like for SOME kind of solution to reproductive rights for men and women.

    I would love to see women being able to make their own choices in countries that oppress women (i.e. a woman can cover her head if she wants, but should never be forced to-- a woman should not be sold to her husband or burned if her father refuses to pay, etc.)

    I would love for people to view women as just as capable in the professional field and for the wage gap to disappear in jobs where the men and women are doing the same job at the same hours.

    I would like to see fair treatment for both genders when it comes to custody rights of children.

    I would like to see a society that does not put so much social repression on male emotions and expression as well as such heavy standards of "masculinity".  

    I would like to see male rape victims feel safe enough to come forward when attacked and receive fair and equal treatment and justice without the social stigma that surrounds male rape.

    I would also like to see the media stress thinness less and healthy bodies more.  When I hear an 8 year old say she doesn't want to eat ice cream because she wants to stay in shape, there is something terribly wrong with the media and the message its sending.

    EDIT-- Oh, and at some point I would love to see a female president (and for the country to vote for her because of her views and politics and not for her gender).

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