
Won't it be awesome when cars become fully self-guided with GPS, etc.? No more DUI accidents...?

by  |  earlier

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GPS, collision avoidance, etc., etc.

How many less deaths per year?




  1. HEY won't the road be great when the GPS driven system shuts down due to overload - have you not ever had your Mobile phone drop your call?

    If you're worried about DUI's call a cab.

  2. Yeah the police will just email you a ticket too.  We don't need that.  They just need a device that will detect alcohol.

  3. that system was used many years ago,it was called barret guiding system. check it out

  4. yes sir!! it would be great,but im sure we will have other un forseen problems with them...

  5. That would be a great idea and the funny thing is that we have the technology to have this in place today.

  6. how fun would that be lol..

    hovercrafts :P

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