
Won't pee on the potty?

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My 3 1/2 year old has had bowel movements on the potty but has yet to pee on the potty. Today we spent about 45 minutes on the potty and he waited until we got off to pee. I had put underwear on him after he got off the potty and he immediately peed them. Any advice, anyone experience this before? I already trained one child with no problem, but my second son is being quite challenging about it.




  1. every kid takes his/her own time. he must be a late bloomerr or its just that he doesn't feel comfortable to pee in the seat cuz its brand new

  2. Being an Early Childhood Teacher,  I see parents struggle with this problem all too often.  Unfortunately, you have tried several suggestions I would make to my parents.  

    Ask yourself this question:

    What is your child's "to die for" item or toy that he/she just absolutely adores or is almost obsessive over?  

    Often parents don't use the correct items to motivate their child.  I have found that the "to die for" items usually work the best in difficult situations.  

    The item will need to be placed out of reach and only used when your child goes pee in the potty.  Once this is a consistent thing (one/two months), then the item can be returned to his/her room or where it was before.  Keep in mind that children's interest changes overtime and you need to observe your child regularly to make sure that "to die for" item hasn't become a different toy!  Good luck.

  3. i am only 12 but i babysit  when i go to their house i saw a piece of paper that said the childs name than potty it had tons of stickers on it i thought it was a creative idea buy the stickers with his favorite character on them

  4. We use a sucker with my 2 year old. The only time he gets candy at all is when he pees. We make a big deal about it when he does go. Maybe if you give him a lot of liquids, then sit him on the potty an hour later? Good luck, remember, boys are harder to train than girls!

  5. Something about the potty is scaring him. . Make a game out of it somehow. Make it something he wants to do.

  6. See a child psychologist

  7. pee in a bucket maybe

  8. it's take time just wait and see

  9. I saw someone give advise on this on this site and thought it was a top idea put a coloured ping pong ball in the toilet and your son and his father take turns aiming at it but dad has to go first

  10. I'm wondering who put all the thumbs down! had some ideas that may work :-)  Every child is different.  It's interesting to me that he will have a's usually the other way around.  Hmmm.  I'm not a big "rewards" for potty person because it's just something we have to do :-)  But I've seen it used successfully and a 3.5 year old will comprehend being able to play with a specific toy when he urinates.  Have you consistenly put underwear on him?  I know it causes a bit of a mess but I've had some people put underwear on and then plastic pants or a pull up over top...but the point is so they can feel the wetness.  This sounds mean but I've seen it work...  Leave a bucket in the bathroom for clean underwear and one for dirty and allow him to take care of himself.  Don't make a big deal out of it...he'll notice when he is wet and it will start to irritate a bit.  Make sure you set the rule about washing hands well after he has changed himself.    Good luck!  Potty training is not my strong point...but I've seen some success with the above.

  11. Every child is different. You could start a "reward" system to encourage peeing into the potty. Patience is the key.

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