
Wonder how it is even possible that i have this eye colour?

by  |  earlier

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okay so me and my sis both has light brown eyes but they change to green sometimes !!!! im an asian and my dad is mixed asian white my mom is asian.i am extremely curious of my eyes because no one else in my family has got this eye colour.and when i ask my mom,she says that my ancestors has green eyes.but i dont believe it !! then how come my mom or dad doesnt have green eyes?




  1. its in ur geenees

  2. my mom or dad dont have green eyes and my sister got green eyes...i got light green/blue....having green eyes isnt that be more shocked if you had blue...

  3. i have the same dad says that our ancestors were exposed to different light and stuff and then we became more modern and now alot of us have different eyecolors. anyways its just because of the light changes they went through

  4. I think it's possible. My cousin is mixed Asian. She has a chinese mom and her dad is half Spanish. She was born with really pretty blue eyes and blonde hair.

    She's 15 now and her hair's light brown and her eyes a hazel color.  

  5. well green eyes are usually caused by a genetic mutation, and it's definitely possible that both your parents have a recessive gene of green eyes since you said your dad is mixed with white.  

  6. My eyes do the same thing, they only change green once in a great while. I have an easy explanation though, my dad has green-brown hazel eyes and my mom has brown, she is Asian.  If your ancestors had green eyes than it's probably just a recessive gene that has been passed down to you. My boyfriend's eyes turn a kind of muddy greenish brown color from brown in certain light and both of his parents had brown eyes but his great grandfather had gray eyes. It's just part of the mystery of dominant and recessive genes.  

  7. Traits skip generations sometimes.

    It may have just skipped your parents.

    How you doin'? :]

  8. i have green eyes that change blue or brown,

    but my parents eyes are blue, and brown.

    i am totally odd.

    just because your parents have one trait dosent mean you have to have it too.

    its no biggie.

  9. woahh coincidence muchh?

    me and my brother have light brown eyes also.

    and my mom is asian and my dad is white.

    my dad has hazel eyes(green, blue) and my mom has brown.

    pretty cool thoughh.

  10. it s called a rrecessive trrait...have you everr hearrd of science class lol :] its something that comes out everry now and again orr skips a cerrtain amount of generrations.

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