
Wonder how the Convicts serving life-terms in Jail are still (being called) MPs ...and become VIPs in India?

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Wonder how the Convicts serving life-terms in Jail are still (being called) MPs ...and become VIPs in India?




  1. india has completly diffrent politics, but its us the people who are giving power to those kind of gundas. its changing though, new generation is entering the politics and more people are going out and voting

  2. I agree. Yahi apradhi ki jeet hai.

  3. that is dirty politics

  4. No way out, because, they are the makers of 'LAW".

  5. If you see these few criminals becoming the M.Ps & V.I.Ps it’s because of illiteracy amongst the larger population in India. The illiterate population for few benefits of items or cash goes & caste vote for these criminals who become our representative. Although law with regard to denying these criminals to contest the election exist, but as the law processing in India is too slow & full of technical hitches these criminals get benefits of these points, contest the election & become MPs. Once they are MPs then even if they are stalled in the various jails they are VIPs what may come no one can deny their importance. Unless you literate generation of young people understand all this & STOP the unnecessary praising the so called Goonda leaders such as Laloo & Mulayam, nothing can be done. Bring in new honest people for this job of being your MPs & run a progressive government for you, throw all these existing politicians, their Sons & Daughters in the Indian Ocean.

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