
Wondering...Do you understand?

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There is only one answer.




  1. If it works for you holding on to myths go for it. Sorry about all that you could have learned. Please don't hold back the rest of the human race while your holding on to your answer.

  2. Depends on the question.

  3. In many cases yes and in others no.

  4. Understand what?

  5. Only narrow-minded bigots imagine there is only one answer to every question.  While you're absolutely welcome to your own ridiculous beliefs, why can't you keep them to yourself?  I've certainly had my fill of well-meaning ignorant Christians who imagine their own unsubstantiated beliefs give them license to relentlessly hound and pester me with their absurd superstitions.  

    If and when you're finally willing to educate yourself about the actual nature of objective (physical) reality, I'll be waiting.

  6. And we both know what it is, don't we Mr. J.

    And if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you.

  7. I understand some things and there is plenty of other stuff I don't understand....

  8. no

  9. Yes

  10. No.

  11. Unfortunately, the answer is no.

  12. No, and I'll never fully understand, because I'm a mere human being. I will have to wait until I am recieved into Heaven, then it will all become clear.

  13. LOVE

  14. If there is only one answer then the wise thing to do would be to share it.  The kind thing - neighborly thing to do would be to share it.  Don't attempt it unprepared is my only advice.

  15. To God yes there is only one answer, although every question it has more than two answers some perhaps even more than that, 3 or 4, answers, perhaps?.  

  16. 42.

    Now we must figure out the question...

  17. For you there is one answer, or so you say.

    For me, there are as many answers as there are questions.

    I don't let my mind stagnate, dwelling on one "truth", when it is patently obvious that there is more than one.

    If there is a Creator, I think they would be displeased with me if I took the lazy path and opted for the simplest of solutions.

    I do not have a mind, an intellect, curiosity for nothing.

    To simply stand in one place is disrespectful to the faculties at my disposal.

  18. YES.


    BITe me

  19. If I remember correctly, the answer is....42.

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