
Wondering about air miles?

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I recently received an air miles card with Hawaiian Airlines(not the credit card). I was wondering if they were worth having and what exactly were they? I hear people saying they get free trips, but is it a substantial benefit, or better to just leave it alone? Also with the Hawaiian card, would it only work through them, or any other airline.

Thank you in advance.




  1. Having a frequently flyer account does not cost you anything, the only cost is spent entered your miles account number. You will earn about 5000 miles every time you fly to Hawaii, and after 7 or so round trips the next one is essentially free. You can also earn miles for a number of online purchases by simply going through their online mall (this will redirect you to the actual website) at no cost.  Additionally you can earn miles when you fly on other airlines by given them your Hawaiian Miles number (see link below).

    With Hawaiian Airlines they have a link that shows other carriers in which you can use your miles on (Continental, Delta, and Northwest to name a few)

    I have a United Visa and use it for everything. In the past year from cc purchases and going through the online mall I've earned 90,000 miles. I pay off my monthly balance and the annual fee is only $60. Later on this year I'm using these miles to book a trip to Australia.

    Email me if you have any other questions.

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