I recently reconnected with my ex-boyfriend from 17 years ago. I found him on the Internet, wrote to him, he called right away and we went out this past weekend. This was truly the one that got away - the love of my life. Sparks flew right away. The attraction and flirtation was the same as the night we met. We went for dinner, had a great time and came back to my house. Things heated up, but he stopped it and said that he had to be honest, that he and his ex-fiancee broke-up about a year ago and that he still loves her, that he's emotionally still scarred from the relationship and not ready to get into another one right now. He said he would like to see me and if anything were to come of this it would take a very long time. I told him I understood.. but when things started heating up again, he pulled himself away and left. I have not heard from him since Saturday night. I think he's scared, but since he was so interested in talking to me, seeing me, and reconnecting, I am hoping this is a good sign of things to come. Your thoughts?