
Wondering about ovulation?

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this month i was 7 days late for my period, and when i got it (on the 14th) it was business as usual, heavy with cramping and backaches, on the 15th though, it got very light and today it's been very light with just brown blood. Usually it's heavy for the first 3 i was wondering what could be causing this, and whether or not having a late period will make me ovulate on a different schedule than usual. I'm fairly new to ttc, but i'm pretty sure what im experiencing aren't pregnancy symptoms.

Extra info:

two weeks ago i took a vacation, and this week i've been trying to quit smoking and have also been getting a bit more excersise than usual. I think this could possibly be what made my period late, but i don't understand why it's been so light. Any ideas?




  1. Generally ovulation takes place 14 days prior to the start of period. In normal course a cycle is of 28 days and ovulation takes place on 14th day. But if the cycle is of 30 or 32 days ovulation occurs on 16 or a8th days respectively.

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