
Wondering about things horses do?

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hello there

this may seem weird 2 some people, but im JUST wondering when i feed my horses how come they continusly walk around? is it because there just happy to be fed or? ( fed twice daily ).

and when they see you, when they neigh what do u recon there saying?

but i have always been curious of these questions to find the exact answer,

please not rude answers! im just wondering!

thanks guys




  1. They are just excited and if they are out in the field they are probably jockeying for position to be the first one fed.

    They neigh because they want you to hurry up basically!  You should take a stick in to the stable and put the food down or in the trough or whatever but make sure your horses stand back until YOU are ready for them to eat.  Otherwise in their eagerness they can quite seriously injure you.  I trained mine to stand back and wait.

  2. Walking around when they see food because they are inpacient for food,

    and the neigh because they want the food. or they love u

  3. My horse and pony do the same things. The neigh is a greeting thing and i think the pacing is just then excited about getting their food.

  4. huh

  5. If they walk around their stall, they are just wishing they could be walking outside in a pasture as this is more natural.

    They are probably greeting you when they neigh.  The more you are around them and spend time with them, you will know what they wants and needs are.  

    Horses are like other domestic animals.  They "teach us" what they want by communicating the only way they know how.

  6. They may walk because in their natural state horses are grazers. They are constantly on the move taking a bite or two here and there. Think wild horses.

    The neighing is, most likely, their way of saying "hello".

  7. when i feed my horses, because they are stabled quite a bit they go in circles. lol. I dont know what it means but when i asked my vet she said soemthing about ti helping them aid digesgion an d partly excitement. they also talk alot when i feed them. lol.

    I think when they neigh, they are saying "look mum im over here! come and fuss me!" well, thats my interpritation. lol.

  8. Well, mine did the same thing with the pacing.  I believe it is because they are impatient and want to go eat.  :)   I would do that if I was waiting for someone to feed me!  LOL!  I would pace.  

    If they talk to you when they see you, they are happy to see you.  :)   It is a greeting and that is really cool!   It means they love you and look up to you for whatever.  Oh, they probably want to go out and play or want food also but it is a greeting none the less.

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