
Wondering about vascetomy reversals?

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My husband had a vasectomy reversal done about 5 months ago and we have been trying to get pregnant and no luck...he had the vasectomy done for only 4 years...should i be worried it will never work?




  1. My husband and his two younger siblings were born after a reversal.

    His mother did have a lot of misscarriages, due to it though. You shold make sure he gets a sperm count, and dose things to help. Just so you are aware of the chanses

  2. Two years is average.  Most need to get IVF.  You know the odds that you will get pregnant are about 25% at best.  I am sure the doctor didn't tell you that.  Sorry but you have been scammed.

    Good luck

  3. I think it is a 50/50. I know someone who it worked in a little less than a year and someone who had it done 4 years ago and nothing.

  4. Five months is not a very long time, just in general.  Try for another six months, and if it doesn't work out for you, then you can start to worry a little.

  5. You shouldn't worry too much as long as you did the research prior to the reversal and went to a reversal specialist. You should have a better than 65% chance at pg. 5 months is not a long time for anyone to ttc, let alone a reversal couple. You should remember it takes around 75 days for new sperm to be produced and mature and make it's way "through the reconnected pipes" before it is ejaculated, so you are just starting to get the new, nonvasectomized stuff. Have an SA to be sure where his counts are at, then try to relax. TTC is stressful and that can hinder your chances right there.

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