
Wondering and curious??

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Do you remember when they had the missing childrens pics on the milk cartons?? why did they stop doing that?? Me and my nieces are just curious because she is reading a book called "The face on the milk carton".. I don't remember the reason why they stopped..




  1. Because they started to use bottles and plastic containers...  not really sure, just thought id have some sort of input!

  2. Hey I read that book! I think that maybe it might have been a consumer thing, where people didn't want to be depressed in the morning over their cereal. I know it sounds cruel, but it might just be that milk companies didn't want to depress their customers. Was the milk thing really effective anyway?

  3. milk cartons were made of cardboard, and since they were printing on it anyway it was easy to put the missing kids pics on them. to do it on the new plastic jugs they would have to print a label to stick on it. more work and more money. but you're right, it was a great service and i wouldn't mind paying more for milk to have them start doing it again.

  4. Not quite sure...but the Amber Alert is probably a lot more effective now...

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