
Wondering emancipation?

by Guest64024  |  earlier

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ok the last while ive been think about getting emancipated i live in texas i know u have to be at least 16 and it rarely happens but im think of doing so when im 16 and im wonder if anyone knows where i can go to see if i have a good chance i plan on staying in school i have jobs and all that planed out im saveing up money now to help take care of things if it happens i've been looking at places to go and prices i have all that planned out but i wanna see how good my chances are couse most kid get it real bad on 1 thing or another like either mental abuse physical about well i have kinda bad in both and wondering ho i stand




  1. You seem uncertain about it, but I can tell you it'll be hard. Give yourself time, then go ahead and live your own life when you're fully convinced you're ready. (At least when you're a bit more mature and experienced). Don't rush life; take it slow and things will be much smoother for you.

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