
Wondering if COBRA Medical Insurance Premiums can be increased ??

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Can the monthly premium I pay for COBRA be increased within a twleve moth period because I have astronomical Medical bills? I will create a bill of over $14,600.00 in a 42 day period for IV antibiotic treatment for sever Lyme disease problems. This will not even include the cost of the Operating Room procedure to Insert the PICC Line in to my body. So can my COBRA Be increased witin the twelve month period. I know I am entitled COBRA for 18 Months. Any ideas or personal experience with this??? Thank you all!




  1. No.  It will only be increased if your former employer's rates are increased, and only at the same rate.

    Health insurance is NOT like car insurance - once you have it, the rates don't change based on your claims.

  2. If your premiums increase, it is because the premiums increased for the entire group. It is not because of expenses submitted. Group rates on the employer level usually go up when the renewal or open enrollment period occurs.

  3. Not only can they be, but the first time they catch the DOI regulators with their backs turned, they WILL be, count on it.

  4. COBRA is a continuation of your former employer's group coverage, so whatever premium increase occurs under that group plan will apply to you.

  5. Only if the premium for your old employers goes up - they can then raise your rates.  But, otherwise, I don't think they can - it is a CONTINUATION of coverage you already had.

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