
Wondering if I should take a pregnancy test??

by  |  earlier

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Normally after ovulation (which occurs at 12 days usually) I start my period at 28-29 days. This month I ovulated 2 days later and so I expected my period about 2 days late. It's been 4 days and still no period. I've had mild cramping for about a week as well as nausea and heartburn, but none of my normal pms signs. I don't want to get my hopes up thinking I'm pregnant yet but my husband thinks maybe I should take a test and I'm wondering if I should still wait a little longer? I just want to make sure I wait long enough so that if this is really it, I won't get a false negative! Any advice? Do I sound prego? Lol




  1. i had a pos about 8 days before my period was due, those test can detect hcg early,  I would say get a test, they are only a few dollars, and either it will be pos or neg, if neg you'll prolly have your perid in the morn.  Let us know!!

  2. personaly id leave it another few days i know thats going to drive u mad but it sounds good so far :-) hopefully when you do test u get the ansa u want :-) good luck

  3. Well, it depends on how many test you can afford. Personally, I'd wait until you're at least one week over due, since you're so regular. If that's still negative and no sign for another week, test again. That's just what I'd do. Also, if you're fairly confident but you're test came up neg, go back after the test is supposed to expire and see if there are evap (pos)  lines. if so, test again the next time you get a good urine sample. sometimes u can get false negaitives. remember, u want it to be rich in everything u got, so early morning pee is the best. good luck!

  4. Hi i would do a test at the weekend,it will hopefully give you a better result,and not keep wasting money on tests.everytime my wife was late as soon as we took a test she started bleeding by the end of that day :(

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