
Wondering if begin posterior is a good thing?

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I am 39 weeks and had a doctors appointment today and they said I am 1 to 2 centimeters and thinning and posterior. I am wondering what posterior means and if this is a sign that I will be going into labor soon. What can I do to help speed up the process?




  1. Posterior means that your baby is head down, but instead of facing your back, like it should be, its facing your front. You can deliver vaginally this way but it will take longer. Youll push for a while tryng to turn the baby so the head will fit through the pelvis. Ive had it explained to me that it turns like a key in a lock.

    Dont worry though, the baby can still turn around. =)

  2. Both of my babies were posterior and born that way vaginally. This means they are face up instead of face down. It may make pushing a little longer, but not something to worry about! It is not a sign of labor, just how your baby turned and got comfy! lol  Walk a lot!! It does help. Good Luck

  3. Posterior is a presentation of the baby, and unfortunately it's not the best presentation to be in (in terms of your comfort) as it will bring on a fair bit of back labor.

    Most babies present for birth in the anterior position.

  4. Most likely you will have back labor and have a little harder time pushing, My first was in the posterior position and it was a really long labor and she had to be helped with a vacuum. But in the end, everything was ok. She was completely healthy and was born vaginally.

  5. My sister gave birth to a 10 lb baby in posterior, completely naturally.  It's not a lovely experience (labor is more intense), but it's doable.  I'd say don't try to speed up the process.  Wait and hope the baby turns on his/her own before labor starts.

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