
Wondering if it could be a hernia?

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14 years old average height but slim build

last few weeks i have been doing sit ups in prep for the fall season...two days ago i started to have pain to the lower left side of my abdomen, a few inches above where the thigh meets the s*****m..i thought it could possibly be a sports hernia because occasionally i can feel a small bump when lying down, however no bulge is noticible when is not intense pain but hurts a bit when i push on right side is a bit sore but nothing intense..i've had mild testicular pain on and off, but no bulge in the s*****m....anyone know if this is a small sports-related hernia or just a groin/abdominal strain? serious question serious answers only please




  1. It's a possibility.  You should have a doctor check it out; even with the proper expertise, nobody could tell over the computer without making a direct examination.

  2. No one here will be able to tell you for sure, but it sounds like a possibility. You need to swallow your pride and tell your parents so they can take you to a doctor.

  3. Try swapping out ice and heat every 20 minutes for a while and if the pain subsides a bit, it most likely would be some muscle strain. If the pain is persistent and doesn't go away, you should get checked out.

  4. Go see a doctor. Whatever it is, you need to get help before it gets worse.

  5. to me it sounds like it could just be a strain. my husband had a hernia in the same exact spot as u and but his intestines were droping down to his s*****m and you could really see it. so i think its just a swollen strain.  

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