
Wondering if my horse might have sweet itch?

by Guest58223  |  earlier

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I have a buckskin horse and we are where it's really hot and she has shown signs of something called sweet itch? Well here are the symptoms: She has these little scab like spots on her legs, under her mane along her neck, and underneath her forelock right at the root. the spots are(kinda gross)clumpy yellow puss spots and when you try to remove some of the clumpiness it brings out pieces of hair with it! I have been researching sweet itch and all I've found on it is the info about the no-see-ums, the constant itching, and major hair loss, but it doesnt seem that severe? We went and took all of our horses to the vet like a week ago and i was playing with her forelock when i noticed a clumpy bleeding spot under her forelock (the place i think there might be sweet itch) and the vet just said the she probably bumped her head. However, her ears were driving her insane so the vet checked them out & said that she was allergic to biting flies so i think this may cause it? Plz help! Thanks!




  1. The symptoms are all there, but not as a very major strain. I'd suggest investing in a sweet itch rug. Sure they are faffy having to put on and off, but there's nothing better.

    Even if the vet is right, and it's just flies then the rug will also help, and if it isn't anything, at the very least it will keep her cool.


  2. I think your vet is right, some horses are very sensitive to biting flies. Get him a fly sheet and leg protectors and add some brewer's yeast and /or cider vinegar to his feed to repel the little buggers. A tea tree bath is a good way to clean up the scabs

  3. Are you saying that you think the vet misdiagnosed the problem under the forelock?  The horse could be rubbing on things to scratch the itch and have added injury to the area.  Did you specifically ask the vet if it was sweet itch?  If not, I'd call and ask over the phone, since the vet just saw the horse and would remember the signs.  It certainly sounds like it could be sweet itch, just because the midges cause such intense itching.  It's worth a phone call.

  4. id get the vet to come out if i were you.

    It doesnt sound liuke aweet itch as i know it but you never know so better be safe.

    If it is, you need some ointment and a good sweet itch rug - one like this is good

    If it is and its bad, then call the vet and he will give you some good stong ointment to clear up the nasty bits and you can probably buy a follow on product from a chemist to keep it gone.

    good luck!

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