
Wondering if such was possible? Please Help ?

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Okk im a girl & im going on about 6ft tall :O

i REALLY hate being this tall its got to the stage ive lost all confidence & bcoz of everything else going on in my life its had me suicidal (lot of other stuff goin on in my life which really aint helping the matter)

ive heard there is ONE way to make u smaller by placing something in your back?? which can make u up2 a foot taller im not even askin for that!! bcoz of this iv experienced personel difficulty ive tried to get help which isnt helping at all!!

wondering if theres anything i can do cus this isnt something i can accept/live with much longer :'(





  1. Get involved with a sport where the taller you are the better, such as volleyball or basketball.  You may even earn a college scholarship if you get to be real good.  That will certainly build up your self esteem.  Other options would be goalies for soccer and water polo.  

  2. Sara,

    My heart goes out to you. You are right, it is difficult to be tall... but it is not impossible. To be tall is the number one requisite to be a model, for example... And there are so many girls out there desperately wishing there was something, anything, to make them taller!!

    Please do NOT try anything to "make you smaller" can such a contraption be good for you, if indeed it exists at all?

    Do you know, there are harmless ways to make you appear less tall: wearing clothes of different colors for any case, you should try to inhabit your body with pride.

    Believe me, I know how hard that can be...but I also know from experience that it can be done.

    Don't think that if you were shorter your problems would be resolved, as if by magic. OK, your height is not helping right now, you know better than anyone else, but perhaps shifting your focus - reframing the issue, so to speak - will help you see that you can actually overcome your other problems and then also turn your height into an asset.

    You sound very upset. I hope that these few words from a stranger like me might at least help you a bit...

    Be stronger than whomever it is that is making fun of you.

    6 feet is tall but not monstrous. You are fine. Be strong. You might end up having the last laugh.

    With all good wishes,

    Love and Light

  3. take up basketball or volleyball.  sports are a good way to boost self confidence and esteem

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