
Wondering what card should i replace reasoning with in my six samurai deck.please also rate as well 1-10 ?

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2)cyber dragon




3)reasoning(need to replace 2)

2)rota(going to add 1 more since they unbanned 1

3)six samurai united


1)heavy storm

1)monster reborn

1)light vortex



1)solemn (by the way if there any one selling a solemn)

1)mirror force

1)torrentail tribute

2)reckless greed

1)dimensional prison

1)bottomless trap

1)dark bribe






  1. i would suggest replacing the 2 Reasoning with The A. Forces and the six samurai steed equip spell card if you have them.

  2. You might want to try Jutte Fighter from the new set for some synchros, and of course Hand of the SS if you can get one.  If you're going to use Reckless though run it in 3s.

    I have 3 Solemns if you want any.

  3. Here's what I would recommend you play:

    Monsters: 20

    3 Great Shogun Shien

    2 Enishi, Shien's Chancellor

    3 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

    3 The Six Samurai - Zanji

    2 The Six Samurai - Irou

    2 Hand of the Six Samurai

    2 The Six Samurai - Yaichi

    2 Spirit of the Six Samurai

    1 Card Trooper

    Spells: 10

    1 Reasoning

    3 Six Samurai United

    3 Reinforcement of the Army

    1 Monster Reborn

    1 Heavy Storm

    1 Card Destruction

    Traps: 10

    3 Phoenix Wind Wing Blast

    3 Rivalry of Warlords

    2 Double-Edged Sword Technique

    1 Torrential Tribute

    1 Mirror Force

    Usually I'd never play Sword Technique but it works very well with Hand.

  4. try out a Monster Gate...

    not sure how it will work out in this deck

    u seem to have quite a bit of Spells and Traps

    but ya Monster Gate is a fun card

    just play somtin like Return of the Six Samurai

    then Monster Gate an ya... have another one... an if it don't work then just play that Cunning card...

    anyways that's all i can think off about replacing Reasoning...

    personally i dislike Reasoning...

    an i would suggest u replace it also...

    everyones gonna be guessing a 4 star... an ya... then ur stuck... also u might of just lost a few good cards also....

    but ya.. Monster Gate

    personally its a favorite of mine

    but im not sure if its the card u'll need in here

    good deck by the way...

    all i can suggest is cut down the spells an traps

    running a deck to "Evenly" just doesn't work

    an a 6 Samurai deck usually does have more monsters then spells and traps

    oh also

    Reckless Greed, not sure why u have this in here

    deck is good

    but RG might give u a dead draw... an ur pretty much takin a big Chance with that...

    try out Forced Back

    its a great trap card

    actually works to get that darn Jinzo off the field

    counters work well against almost anything

    anyways try out that Legendary Ebon Steed, also The A Forces

    they can really help u out

    i know why Bottomless an D Prison are in here...

    but personally they aren't that great...

    no offence or anything...

    but i see those kind of cards as a sign of weakness...

    most DD cards are nothing special...

    not tryin to diss u...

    jus tryin to say its best to have other cards that will make it a good duel rather then taking out ur opponents one and only good monster... but ya...

    on the other hand

    this is a good deck

    personally i would just throw in a Raiza or a Kuraz just for the h**l of it...

    its a good deck

    for a Rating

    7 out of 10

    later bud

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