
Wondering what you all think my chances are?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys, I am now 9 days late for AF. We are trying to conceive. I have had lower back pain, headaches, dizziness, fatigue. And I know that these are signs of pregnancy. The last 2 days I have had cramping and spotting not a normal period. All the tests I take come back BFN. Cant see the doctor for 2 weeks.

Just thought I would see what you all thought.

Thanks and wish me luck!!




  1. Sounds like it could definitely be a possibility that you conceived, and for some women it is normal not to get their BF until they are like 2 weeks late, So I would test again then, or perhaps you are one of the few women that HPT's just don't work for you, could go either way at this point. Only time will tell, but good luck, Hope you do get your BFP real soon.

  2. Your chances are awfully good.

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