My 5 yr old son only weighs 37 pounds. As a baby/toddler he was a very chubby baby. To the point the nutritionist told me I should watch his weight cause he weighed 28 pounds at 18 months. @@ He always ate very well...good variety, etc. Now he is picky, but still loves fruits. My son will eat from the minute he wakes up until the minute he goes to bed except when he is in school, obviously. Today so far he has eaten 4 pancakes, a bowl of blueberries, 4 mini muffins, some cubed cheese, a can of Spaghettios, 2 slices of deli cheese, some chips, and some jelly beans. And it is only 3:30pm. You would think he'd gain weight? No, he's actually lost in the past few months. I'm thinking I should request some blood work? Not sure if any of this matters or not, but I was Group B Strep + and was only able to get one dose of antibiotics before he was born with a fever. He also has some issues undiagnosed as of yet (signs of PDD-NOS and ADHD). Just seeing if anyone might know if this is all normal?