
Wondering why my computer is still running slow even after I upgraded the RAM and defragmented the drive.?

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Wondering why my computer is still running slow even after I upgraded the RAM and defragmented the drive.?




  1. Learn how to clean up your computer and speed it up here:

    Good luck!

  2. Most computer users have been trained that if you want more speed for your computer, then add more memory. Well, this is true, in certain circumstances. But for most of the times, it really is just bad files in your registry files. Corrupted or missing registry files can make your computer too slow.

    The registry is a main part of your computer's Operating System. With time, as you use Windows and install and uninstall programs, your registry will get congested and full of errors. So your computer could slow down. So, if you can clean it up this problem can be solved.Sometimes you can speed computer up by 300%. To clean up registry,You can download a software called regsitry cleaner---Clean registry,remnant,corrupt files and temp files,history,cookies,etc.. This site:

    lists top 5 registry cleaner,you can download and scan for free.

    Good luck!

  3. A computer may be slow due to various reasons. May be due to virus, may be due to spyware and so on..There is a nice and helpful article on slow computer and irs solutions .Please have a look.It may help you to resolve your problem

  4. Look at your processes (Ctrl-Alt-Delete - Task Manager) and see what process is using CPU time.

  5. If you are running any version of windows, reinstalling the operating system may be a very good choice. Windows is known to slow down the longer it is run on a system, without being completely reinstalled. A better option would be to use linux instead of windows, that's just a personal suggestion though.

  6. 1. Do you have an Anti-Spyware and Anti-Virus program? Would be a good idea to do a full scan to check...even if you don't think this is the problem!

    2. If your Hard-Drive is becoming full, this can also slow down the computer, so would be a good idea to uninstall any programs not used

    3. You should use a program will get rid of ALL rubbish files that windows stores (temp internet files etc) and fix all registry errors which accumulate over time

    4. After carrying out all would be a good idea to run a full disk checkup as well...just to make sure there are no errors with the HDD itself

    5. Last resort if this doesn't help would be to re-install Windows again...Windows XP/98 all become slower and slower after long periods of time so its worth re-installing definitely boosts speeds!!

    Hope this helps!!

  7. how much did u ccleaner, to get rid of ur temp files, lost regisrty and such, next open notpad and type this in


    save it to ur desktop as this " Ram.vbs" without the quotes

    and maybe the comp is past its prime

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