
Wont be able to sleep tonight!

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My birthday is tomorrow (8,8,08) :) and I turn 13. I don't have anything special planned for tomorrow except watch the Olympics because my dad has to work. On Saturday we are going to Michigan adventures though. I have everything I want and I'm happy. Even though I'm not even going to hang out with anyone tomorrow or go anywhere (literally all of my friends are gone on vacation or camp) and I'm fine with that because I pretty much get to see them every other time of the year.I won't be able to sleep tonight and I really don't want to stay up because then I'm grumpy and I don't want to ruin the day for my mom and family. Do you have anything to help me sleep?




  1. Lavender essential oil two drops rubbed on your forehead / temples , try reading a book, or listening to some soft jazz. that always helps me. oh and happy birthday!!

  2. milk and cookies before bedtime should do the trick.  

  3. First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, teenager, for tomorrow! Even though there is nothing special planned for tomorrow I hope you will have a really lovely day.

    You could get yourself a hot, milky drink (I like chocolate or malt) - you could read a good book, listen to some nice music, think about how you are growing up now that another year is going by, what you hope to achieve before your next birthday.

    I do hope you find something in this to help you sleep.

    Goodnight, God Bless, Sweetheart.

    Happy Birthday again from the UK xx

  4. depending on how old you are pills????????

  5. a nice long boring movie should make u sleepy

  6. 1 st : HAPPPY B-DAY LITTLE 13! And maybe you could sleep if you see an OLD BOOOOORING MOVIE and listening to classical or opera music;)

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