
Wont he just give me a chance?

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my friend is really awsome...

he is so sweet and would never do anything to hurt me or harm me in any way. its been over a year since i met him and it sounds crazy but i love him. here is the problem. he thinks of me as just a friend and nothing more. he says that he loves my friend (she doesnt have any feelings towards him at all)

my friend wants so much for me and and the guy to go out....

if he wont give me a chance how does he know that hes not my type?

i know what most of you are gonna say.....

"move on" but i cant move on from him.....

i feel exactly like the song "everytime we touch" whenever im around him

what should i do to get him to give me a chance?




  1. Honestly girl you sound like a stalker. You want to manipulate him into going out with you. You want to be fake so he can like you. He only talks to you to be close to your friend and this is someone you want as a boyfirend?

    Kids these days, why aren't they teaching our children about self-esteem? Good Luck  

  2. you should follow your heart. it is the best thing to do. my fiance and i were friends for a year before we started dating now were getting married. honestly you need to sit down with him (as uncomfortable and scary as it may be) and tell him how you are feeling. the worst he can say is that he truly does just view you as a friend. you may never know. so the choice is your either be secretly in love with this AMAZING guy for the rest of your life or take a chance. i took on and now i am marrying the man of my dreams.

    i hope it works out well for you

  3. s***w YOU Pinkie  

  4. There is nothing you can do but be his friend.  Some day he might realize how you have been there for him and make some sort of change.  In the meantime, you HAVE TO KEEP BUSY!  Do things to keep your mind off of him.  Clean, run errands, do a service project, read a book, get together with friends (but don't talk about him!), etc.  Maybe after you find other things to do he will miss you a bit.  

    To directly answer you question - when it comes to attraction and desire to get to know someone better - you just can't force him to give you a chance!

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