
Wont it affect the health if a person drinks the wine?

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what are all the ill effects of drinking wine?




  1. People have been drinking wine for thousands of years.  No, it is not unhealthy unless consumed in large quantities every day.  It has lots of calories, too.

    As with everything else, wine should be consumed in moderation.  That being the case, it has been postulated that wine is actually therapeutic.

  2. yes,it so poison it affect ful body

  3. drinking wime is not considered bad for your health. drink in limits and wine can be beneficial. red wine is especially good for people with heart problems.hope it answered ur ques


  4. ALL alcoholic consumables cause deterioration if not destruction of certain organs of the body.  Alcohol destroys cells, and that is all there is to that.

    There have been some allegations that may or may not be true, nothing scientifically definititve has been widely promoted to the public yet on this, that say alcohol MIGHT reduce plaque in the blood system of the body.  Examples of the French people even including their children in dinner wine with their high cheese intake and low heart attack rate have been cited, but I do not know of any proof in that, even though I am not contradicting the allegation.  Now that the French are eating more beef, however, their heart attack rate has risen.

    Alcohol has an effect on all living cells in which the chemical reaction is to kill the cells.  Alcohol also, however, kills bacteria that cause cavities and kills viri (the plural of virus is viri, not "viruses") in the digestive tract.  Some forms of bacteria and viri we need for digestion, other forms are infective and cause illness or disease.

    With alcohol entering the digestive system, it appears to me that some of it degenerates, but much of it is transferred into the blood stream.  Alcohol in the blood stream then affects certain organs negatively, such as the liver, the brain, the kidneys.  Have you ever been to a kidney dialysis clinic?  Many of those people spending hours on a kidney dialysis machine to have their blood be cleaned were either heavy alcohol or drug users!

    In some cases wines may actually be more harmful than say beers, due to their higher alcohol content.  But all alcoholic beverages from grains and fruits (which includes grapes) are nowhere near as harmful as distilled alcohol from wood products, which is what they put into Nutri-Sweet by using the tasteless carbohydrate-craving chemical Aspartame!  Sucralose uses a similar wood-alcohol product.

    Health, of course, always depends on quantity.  The man who was recently arrested after running into a traffic message sign with a blood alcohol content of point four-one (0.41) was said to have supposed to be dead at that amount!  A person who regularly drinks too much is definitely going to destroy his or her organs, there is no escape from it!

  5. There have been studies done that prove that drinking wine in moderation is good for you. As far as ill effects, consuming too much alcohol is just as bad no matter if it's beer, wine, or liquor.

  6. In moderation, drinking wine is actually beneficial as it prevents your blood platelets from sticking,  which helps prevent heart attacks. Anything good when taken to an extreme becomes bad.  Water is good for you but too much and you'll drown.  Excessive wine drinking can cause intoxication and when done long term can cause liver problems.

  7. Overall, the effect is to relax you and help prevent cancers. A glass or two each day is the "prescribed dosage".

    If you drink to excess, any form of alcohol, you will more than likely develop a whole host of health problems. Addiction is one problem of drinking to excess. It's easy to get addicted to alcohol (or anything) if you consume large quantities of it all the time. Withdrawal symptoms vary from person to person, but the one common symptom is irritability.

    Excessive use (abuse) of alcohol can lead to kidney and liver failure. It can also cause you to lose brain cells. Your body cannot function with alcohol alone, but once you're addicted, you don't give a flying fig in space.

    Drunk driving can be (and usually is) a fatal thing. If not for the driver, then for the person/people he/she has just hit. Those that survive the drunk driving accident(s) have many scars that don't heal. Some scars are not visible, but they're there just the same.

    So, the bottom line is, if you're going to drink, make sure you have a designated driver. If you don't have one, then only drink one drink (to be sociable) and drink water or soda the rest of the night out. If you drink at home.... who cares. Just don't drive.

  8. Definitely it will affect the health.It should not become a habit

  9. To precise : 1 glass or 2 per day is not bad and can help to reduce cardiovascular troubles. ( In Bordeaux they even say that until 3 glasses per day during the meals it can be beneficial for a healthy person.

    Red wine is better especially the one who matures in oak barrels because of wood's tannins. The noble late harvest can also be interesting because of botrytis.

    Don't forget that grapes are full of poly-phenols, strong antioxidants.


    ps : sorry for my english ( I'm french )

  10. Ofcourse drinking wine is too bad for health....Head aches, stomach ulcers, kidney problems, cancer, heart attack, pnemonia, etc...r sum dieseses if people r adicted to wine...

  11. bad headaches...but doctors recommend one glass of wine a day at the most to prevent cancer and some other stuff...

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