
Wont it be refreshing to put an end to McCain style politics?

by  |  earlier

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Making childish fun of the other candidate,

mocking his experience,

being jealous of the attention he gets,

then making desperate VP decisions for more attention and

forgetting that it takes away your experience card.




  1. I have to admit that after researching the statements made in Obama's speech at the convention, more voters should find the facts as to the accusation's made towards McCain. I'm on the fence as to who to vote for, but Obama using McCain quotes to back up his own agenda made me realize that Obama is just another politician, too. That is, McCain's words were taken out of context. Obama used some statements from McCain but failed to include the context in which they were said. If any candidate wants to win, for me as a voter, that candidate needs to win fair. It's definitely going to be an interesting election!

  2. No, so I'm gathering that you must be moving?  Good luck, wherever it is that you end up.

  3. That's Flipper for you. Once against torture now for it. Once dragged threw the mud in 2000 Presidential Election by George Bush; now attempt the same methods against Obama.  

  4. let's let the American people go right ahead and vote for your little marxist racist, and we'll vote for the freedom lovers and we'll see who comes out smelling like a it?

  5. We're watching a decline in sllllloooowwww motion. What a STUPID decision

  6. Obama looks like a chimp and Biden looks like a chia pet

  7. Yes, it would! All McCain does is contradict himself. Saying Obama has no experience, and then gets Sarah Palin for his vice president? Not to mention all of this.

    He doesn't seem like he even knows what he's doing.

  8. Making childish fun of the other candidate,- they both do it an you no it

    mocking his experience,- its true and obama takes shots to

    being jealous of the attention he gets,-ok

    then making desperate VP decisions for more attention and- please

    forgetting that it takes away your experience card.- how do you loose experience  

  9. everything YOU just wrote, is what the democraPs do... republicans state the truth and when they do we are called racist no matter what...   We are honest when we say who we are voting for and why, not like the nobama democraps that cant seem to figure out why they are voting except they keep hearing that word change and hmmm it will NEVER happen with nobama.. he is so full of hot air its pathetic

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