
Woo britain got there first gold today. do you think they will get any more?

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we got our first gold in cycling that is estimated one of our best sports do you think we will get any more gold medals?




  1. I'm certain of it!

    But with medals or without them, all of us should be proud and supportive of our athletes: they are sure doing their best!

  2. How is this about royalty?  doesn´t it belong in the Olympic category!


  3. Yes we have as much chance as anybody to getting more medals. I whish them all good luck, but most of all its the takng part that counts.

  4. god I hope so ,but judging by the archery today, I think not. Honestly, if we are going to get any more I would say its in skulling or athletics. The russians win gymnastics every time so thats pretty much a no hoper and everything else, well we'll just have to see.

  5. No

  6. It would be a pity if we did not, particularly bearing in mind all the investment of time and money which has gone on in recent years. I'd like to know why so many administrators had to go out to China to watch.

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