
Wood furniture in a small home daycare?

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Im going to open a small (legal) home daycare. I really would like it to flow with the decor of my home, which is a clean, classy approach of Americana Prim. I would like the playroom to be homey and welcoming like the rest of my home. I found a table and chairs set I would like to paint myself. Its pre made pine furniture and paint that sells for cheap at our local craft store.

My husband says I should have everything plastic, (like little tykes) so if they bonk their heads it wont be disasterous. These children will be under my constant supervision, and the room isnt stadium sized, so I doubt they will actually get up to speed running to cause a huge injury. I said I dont want the house to look like toys r us blew up everywhere and HE said, well, that's what kids want.

Tell me, would you as a parent 'look down' on the fact i prefer wooden furniture to plastic? I found those really cute wooden play kitchens, book shelves, and things of that nature i would like to use.




  1. Does it have sharp corners on it?

    From a cleaning standpoint I would say plastic is easier to clean and definitely more durable than pine. Pine is a very soft wood and I don't think it would stand up very long in a daycare environment. And I am sorry but your daycare area should look kid friendly and not worry about it fitting in with your home's decor. Not that is has to look like Toys R Us but there is a middle ground. And once you get 5 or 6 kids together oh yes they will try to run around small room or not. Have you had any experience with kids? These all sound like statements from someone who has not had a lot of experience with kids. No offense, but my mother ran a daycare for years and it will not stay all nice and perfect, kids are a bit rough and the toys etc. need to be able to stand up to it,  that is why Little Tykes etc. is so popular.

    I myself adore the little wood kitchens, but would wait and get that for my own kids. you never know what a child is like until you have had them a couple weeks. It is amazing how some kids are allowed to act.

  2. Most nurseries in the UK have wooden furniture - it's much more durable than plastic. Little Tykes etc. isn't intended for constant commercial use, it's intended for one child who will only use it for a short time each day and will grow out of it before it wears out.

    Just make sure that the finish is extremely durable - will the paint you plan to use hold up to being washed down every day and antibacterial spray being used on it every time a kid spills something on it? In a daycare you are going to be cleaning way more often than you would your own child's stuff.

  3. Your hubby does have a point.  Even though children are under constant supervision, accidents do happen.

    As far as wood furniture.  I don't think I would look down on you.  I know what you mean about the "homey look"  You can allot each child a colour and paint their chair that colour.

    Wood or plastic, accidents happen.  You could also call and ask children services what they think.


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