
Wood stove installation in my basement

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I bought an air-tight all-nighter Garrison wood stove to help off set oil costs this winter and was wondering what the safest method of installation would be if it would be placed in my basement. Here are my options:

1. Remove a casement window, replace it with some sort of fire safe board and route the double walled piping out and up that way?


2. Up through the floor on a closet and out the exterior wall of the house and then up?


3. Up through the floor of a room, up through the ceiling and attic, and out the roof?


4. Connect in to my single flue chimney that my oil-burner furnace is connect too...if even safe?

Thanks for your input




  1. You could use the first option with single wall pipe to the window and then insulated through the window and up. Your main concern with basement woodburners is a backdraft condition and or carbon monoxide buildup when fire gets low. A damper on the piping and temp guage are handy for control.

    Don't forget to grade the pipe and make sure fittings insert toward the upstream.

    You should not connect wood burner to Oil chimney.

  2. The answer to your question depends on how much you expect from the wood stove. The most heat would be delivered by routing the pipe out through the roof (your #3).#'s 1 and 2 are acceptable but a lot of heat would be lost. The best solution is #4, but it requires a chimney with a flue that is large enough to take the output of both the stove and the furnace.

  3. I would take the stove back. Work out the relative cost of what your are doing. Alot depends on if you have a free source of wood and how close it is. You do not have the right style piping either in the double wall piping. The connecting it to your oil furnace vent is not allowed. You could burn down your house with this. Do not put in anything unless you do your homework first. Get some real advice off the net. Go to your local building department. If you put this in like you and other postings are describing, you will be talking to local officials anyway. The fire department.

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