
Woodburning stoves...?

by  |  earlier

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I could quite easliy ask land owners if I could clear their fallen trees for free, through storms etc. -- for free.

So, should I invest in a woodburning stove and supply my whole house with enough energy for life and stick two fingers up at the lazy who deliver the energy?




  1. would you believe--- people are trying to make them illegal where i live.  co2 in the air--second hand smoke--all this bs.

    i say do it!!!!

  2. Dont waste the energy by collecting fallen wood, just rub two boy scouts together and enjoy the perfect fire LOL

  3. Sure you should... i remember when i was little and i lived on a farm with an argar (think thats how you spell it) but anyway it was cool, and waking up in the morning to that lovely warmph and smell of burning wood and the countryside! also i used to help alot get the wood! hehe remembering the good old days.

    Hope you do whats best

  4. If you can get free wood yes. I have one and it saves me a fortune. All the heat i need in winter and all the hot water i want. I bank mine down at night with sawdust or chainsaw chippings open up the damper in the morning and away you go.

    The wood ash is good for the garden to.

  5. Years ago my family did just that. My husband had a wood burning stove installed in the family room and then vented the floor so the heat could spread out. We just used the oil to heat hot water as a backup system for our solar .

    I don't know how much money we saved on oil but our home was a comfortable temperature, we had hot water. The logs came from a tree downed in a hurricane and one year we purchased a load of wood.

    Friends installed a coal fed burner to replace their oil burner.

    I love to see solar panel on the roofs of homes...every little bit helps

    Now about building those refineries so we can supply our own....

  6. In some areas the fallen trees are being left for wild life. Clearing fallen wood while it makes the wood appear tidier is completely useless to wild life. Ask the land owner about clearing the wood and you will be asked to pay for it, that's what I would do if I were the land owner, it is my tree and I can dispose of it how I chose.
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