
Woods back in action?

by Stevie Colts  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Do the recent photos of Woods on a driving range suggest the world No. 1's comeback is imminent?




  1. Sports_Guide
    In a word, yes. For the last two and a half months there's been neither hide nor hair seen of the golfer, outside of a burry pic of the golfer at a s*x rehab centre in Mississippi. The golfer's management released photos of Woods jogging the other day, presumably in a bit to stop paparazzi and tabloid coverage taking unofficial and unsanctioned photos of the golfer. Now photos of Woods at a driving range near his home in Florida have also been released, and while the return to the driving range may be another piece of stage management in some ways, it also heavily implies that Woods is set to start playing competitively again, at least in the next few months.

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