
Woods chips in hair?

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My 4 year old daughter is in pre-school and sometimes kids throw wood chips. She came back from school with tons of wood chips in her hair. I washed her hair and removed most of the wood chips (I thought). A few days later my cousin was combing her hair and noticed that her scalp had red spots and tiny wood chips. How do I remove these tiny wood chips, other than shaving her hair and removing each and every one of them individually by forceps? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.




  1. wash her hair in tea tree shampoo and just leave the chips they will come out naturaly in time use a comb rather than a bush to help remove them

  2. comb her hair before her bath and while giving her a bath, comb through while hair is wet and shampoo and comb again and conditioner and comb again when she is out and her hair is dry. After that, check her hair. goog luck. wood chips totally suck!

  3. I would contact the day care and tell them to not let the kids throw the wood chips.  If the wood chips would do that too her scalp could you imagine if they were thrown directly in her eyes?

  4. first, have words with the staff. preschool kids should not be throwing stuff.

    second, send her to preschool in a baseball cap or sun hat. not only will this keep the wood out of her hair, but stop her face getting burnt.

    third, take her swimming, or somewhere her head will be wet for a while. then comb her hair with one of those head lice type combs. the water should make everything soft, the bug comb should get them off.

  5. definately use a comb.  a nit comb would work particularly well. other than that wash her hair in a good lathery soap to lift some of the bits out...

    and move her to a different school. id rather it was little rocks than chemically treated woodchips. those things are horrible.
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