
Woolly deposits on Apple trees?

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There is a wool like deposit left on the branches on my apple tree. Any clues or treatments, Please?




  1. If it is an older apple tree it could be lichens which indicate too much ground moisture and is very common and harmless, other than that I would need more infor.

  2. It's called Wooly Aphid - it's infested with a kind of insect.  You can get a spray from a Garden Centre or Nursery.

  3. Hi you have woolly aphids as for treatment if the trees are small enough and there are not  to many you could try dabbing them with methylated spirits .That will control them other wise you will have to get something from the garden centre. Try the meths first. Best of luck Tom

  4. Sounds like a case of Mealy Bugs as they like tender fruit trees.

    During the warmer months, introduce Ladybird/Ladybugs which provide biological control.

    If this fails, spray with malathion, pirimiphos-methyl, or an insecticidal soap on several occasions at intervals of two weeks.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck.

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