
Word Count in Word 2007?

by  |  earlier

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My sister is doing a project for college and is using Word 2007. She knows how to do a word count but there is a way of displaying the word count on your document when you print it.

Does anyone know how you print out the word count?




  1. Go to File + Properties + Statistics tab

  2. Go on the help tab and search for word count =]

  3. With 2007 you have a continuous word count left side of the status bar (immediately above task bar), so yhou don't have to go Tools, Word Count as in previous versions. The only way to put it into your document, as with previous versions, is to type it in at the end of the document or perhaps in the footer, i.e. Word Count = 10,000.

    Like the way GhoulX has obviously copied and pasted a sentence of my answer!

  4. click the big round thing on the top left, click word options. somewhere there

    i thikn

  5. It could be an option under the Options menu of Word  

  6. hi there,

    the best way to get a print out of the word count is to start by going into "Review" tab, -> clicking "word count", then with the word count on the screen, hold the "Alt" key on the keyboard, and push the "PrtScn" button to do a screenshot. Then, go to a blank page in the word document, or position the cursor where you would like the word count box to appear, and Paste (Ctrl + v on your keyboard). That will paste the screenshot of the word count box into your document, where you can save it and print it as you wish.

    good luck! ^_^

  7. The only way to put it into your document, as with previous versions, is to type it in at the end of the document or perhaps in the footer

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