As of June 2008 there are 192 member states / nations - UN count
When we start being ONE family again we will no longer see each other as different NATIONs.
Then we will no longer practice discrimiNATION. Nor will we strive to play the game of elimiNATION in war.
Nor will we want to subjugate others with feelings of domiNATION. We will no longer race each other to see which NATION is on top of any list.
No more NATIONalities, denomiNATIONs of currency, or interNATIONal relationships.
But, even families fight, so the solution is not to BE ONE WARld, it is just for each of us TO BE.
...and if you do not learn how TO BE - you will be in a state of damNATION and CON-dem-NATION.
Too bad, we haven´t been ABLE to get the UNited NATIONs to work!
(Which was to eliminate the need for it - not build a huge bureaucracy!)
-- So, we don't need a United NATIONs, we just need TO BE -
More on BEing at end of Answer period...