
Word Picture Puzzle HELP!!!?

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I need help figuring out this picture puzzle thing.

I'll explain what it look like (you can draw it out too)

- there are only two words : the first is washington, the second is wilmington

-washington is written right above Wilmington and the two words share a large "IN" like..

wash gton


wilm gton

but when you draw it out, its not supposed to be three lines, only two (the "IN" should be halfway in between)

I hope the explanation helped...but what does this mean??? Washington in Wilmington??? It's supposed to maybe be a common saying or term or something. Thanks for the help!




  1. The puzzle is called a Rebus puzzle.

    I don't know the answer though.

  2. You're dealing with a Rebus Puzzle, I believe the answer is "IN BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND WILMINGTON"  

  3. inbetween washington and wilmington

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