
Word on the WWW says that Clear Channel has banned the playing of Springsteen's "Magic" CD. Truth or Lie?

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Word on the WWW says that Clear Channel has banned the playing of Springsteen's "Magic" CD. Truth or Lie?




  1. Local classic rock affiliate here carries Little Steven's Underground Garage, which previewed "Radio Nowhere" way ahead of the CD release. Steven played it for weeks, then had an entire set of songs from Magic, including "Last Ones To Die". It's a CC owned station and they didn't ban it.

    But remember, NOBODY played Tom Petty's "Last DJ" CD at all- the message was too clear to all the corporations.

    Find out about CBS radio and Disney owned classic rockers, too. Are they playing Magic tracks or not?

    Clear Channel isn't even playing the new Eagles. And those wimps are one of the safest bands around.

  2. According to what I'm seeing is true being on numerous websites...

    But woah!!! Clear Channel says not to play it on the Classic Rock stations..... Most Classic Rockers end roughly 1995 or so at max in playlist (some I see hit 2000) and would not roll this CD no matter what. (None as far as I know are rolling the new Rush and Scorpions cds also....)

    But as Fox News said, It may be just like the other older artist that are not on the playlist of stations in Major markets (such as Santana f/Chad Kroger of Nickelback) that CC has apparently don't want playing on CC Classic rockers...

    Also some aren't agreeing with Bruce's outspokeness on the war and some stations limit what they play because of it.

    No word if the ban so far goes to Heritage and new rockers that CC has also a subsidiary played the newer track Radio Nowhere within a hour of this posting...

  3. Here's a reprint from a recent trade article:

    <<Turns out Clear Channel classic rockers are playing the new Springsteen.

    More on the story from yesterday, where Fox News columnist Roger Friedman chastised Clear Channel for supposedly sending “an edict to its classic rock stations not to play tracks from ‘Magic.’” I told you that I doubted that. Now Clear Channel-Harrisburg Director of Operations Chris Tyler emails me that “We’ve been playing ‘Radio Nowhere’ for two months, and we never heard anything from above about boycotting Bruce.” Another T-R-I reader and avid Bruce Springsteen fan says the Fox report is “B.S. – Clear Channel’s WAXQ, New York was all over the release of the single and the album, and the shows in New York and New Jersey.” As for non-classic rock stations, Clear Channel AAA stations like KBCO, Denver are playing Columbia Records’ “work” track of “Radio Nowhere.” Can radio respond quickly enough to stuff like this? Well – they’re trying, as I discovered at CC’s “Know the Facts” webpage…

    Clear Channel busts another “Myth.”

    Sure enough, there at the top of the Know The Facts section – new since I wrote about this yesterday – is the myth that CC radio “directed its stations not to play music from Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Magic’ CD.” Then comes “Fact: although CC owns only 8% of the radio stations in U.S., in the first days of the CD’s release, airplay of music from the disc on CC stations represented a full 21% of the total radio airplay in the U.S., including airplay from satellite radio. That’s according to stats from Mediabase. Further, Clear Channel Radio stations played music from the CD more than twice as much as the next radio broadcaster, which came in at less than 10% of total U.S. airplay.” So give San Antonio an “A” for responding quickly. But can they punch through all the noise out there?>>

    -a guy named duh

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