
Wording for dinner invite to get people to RSVP?

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I work in a retirement home. Every year we have a dinner for Thanksgiving so the resident's families can attend. We ask they RSVP so we can get a head count before we order the groceries. The deadline is usually 2 weeks before the dinner. The invites go out at least 4 weeks ahead of time. Almost every year, we still get people calling the day before the dinner wanting to know if they can still come.

I want to "toughen up" the wording on the invites but not enough to sound snotty. How's this: To avoid disappointment, meals must be ordered by (date). Please let us know how many will attend. Unfortunately, meals ordered after the deadline cannot be guaranteed.

Any other suggestions? We would hate to turn people away, but we are tired of this happening every single year!




  1. Please respond by XXXXXXX as we required the exact number of dinners required.  Responses after that date will not be accomodated.

  2. ~~I think your wording is straight, to the point and sounds great. You could also state.  RSVP must be received by ?????, unfortunately, with our regret, any later than ????? can not be accommodated. This may not sound quite as gracious but it still nicely lets folks know not to bother to call later!! People have to realize how difficult it is to put a large affair like this together, a quick note or call is not asking too much.~~

  3. Order some extra hotdogs?

  4. Make a note to the effect: Please reply by *date* so that there is enough food on hand for everyone to be served -- or some wording like that.

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