
Words of Wisdom?????

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I need some words of wisdom. Perferably from songs or movies, but don't limit yourself. ANY LITTLE BIT helps!!!! Thanks so much!!

Allie <3




  1. Well Allie, if you could have tailored your request to something specific, I coudl&#039;ve narrowed down my compendium.

    How about on marriage&gt; &gt; Tis better to have loved &amp; lost/ Than to have married &amp; been forever bossed!

    But the one I&#039;m really liking at the moment &gt;&gt;

    Life&#039;s a dance you learn as you go

    Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

    Don&#039;t worry about what you don&#039;t know

    Life&#039;s a dance you learn as you go

    See below &amp; crank up the volume

  2. Shakespeare wrote &quot;Neither a lender nor a borrower be.&quot;  I guess he saw the sub-prime crisis in his crystal ball.

  3. Yoda :  Ã¢Â€ÂœDo or do not... there is no try.”

               “Size matters not, ... Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?”

               “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.”

    Lennon &amp; McCartney : &quot;all you need is love&quot;

    &quot;let it be&quot;

    Thumper&#039;s Mom :  &quot;If you can&#039;t say something nice - don&#039;t say anything at all.&quot;

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