
Words to describe women!?

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i am doing a paper comparing the positive characteristics of women to their negative characteristics... it was kinda delayed by several hospital and ER visits and surgeries etc lol! but i'm all good now and back at it again... can you help me by telling me some negative characteristics in women??

any help would be great as i am including these descriptions in my paper to show the way that modern people view women today. the last time i asked i only received positive characteristics lol! but i know that there are some not so great women out there as well, so i kinda wanted to see how you all would describe them as well!! thanx :)




  1. * Positive *








    Strong ( in a deep and feminine way )

    * Negative *






    Feminist ( of the women are superior type )






  2. To coin a phrase: "They float like butterflies, sting like a bee".

  3. Positive word - fun. Negative word - fickle.

  4. I think the negative or positive aspects depend on your view, but here are some adjectives:

    - expressive with their emotions

    - nurturing and caring; concerned

    - busy and try to achieve all they can

    - indecisive

    - concerned with appearances

    All these answers are subjective and are my personal interpretation not to be misconstrued.

  5. I'd like to think the positives outweigh the negatives (and they probably do) but far as negatives go, I'd probably have to delve back into a couple relationships that didn't turn out so nicely.  

    I think the monkey analogy is true for many women in that they won't let go of one vine until they have their other hand firmly around another -

    double standards and hypocrisy can be rampant but all these things can easily be extended to men as well.  

    I'm trying to think of something that is predominately the province of women ...

    perhaps seemingly unjustifiable emotional type responses where emotion would seem ill placed.

  6. negative?

    greedy- the queens hardly to find things enough. nothing is enough, this is wrong, that is wrong...madam, what do you want?

    arrogant- as building confidence takes quite an effort, therefore arrogance is the best, easiest overpower others.

    nonsense about confidence- confidence takes time and ages, by staying with right attitude in facing any situations, it isn't enough for you to just stand there and speak in a public. confidence is something that comes from within you, that others can even see it in your silence.

    mean- love to argue on small stuff. she's right when she's right, she's right when she's wrong. small things become big.

    could easily misunderstand "acceptance" as "giving up"

    full of fantasies- once you wanted to be a princess, now you want to be a queen in the reality you're living in (project leader, boss, madam).

    gives confusion to other women- makes others (especially teenage girls) feel that being housewife is a loser.

    easily convert "protection" into "oppression".

    every women wants to be the diva, while the earth space is not enough for that, which women in some other part ends up abused (rape, prostitution)

    insults other women- hey, jealousy?

    note: NOT ALL WOMEN are like these. but that's the negative part. men have their own negativity too.

  7. Id challenge you to name any profitable qualities beyond s*x appeal, child bearing, and communication skills.

  8. Beautiful.

  9. s**y b!tches!  

    I was thinking of myself... of course.  ;-)

    I meany, holy c**p.... look at all the negativity.

  10. You can't attribute any characteristic to an entire gender of people.

    Men are statistically more violent than women.  That doesn't mean that ALL men are violent all the time.

    Women, on average, speak more words than men per day.  That doesn't mean that women are great communicators.

    Some men are far less violent than some women.  Some men speak far more than some women.  You simply can't attribute any characteristic to an entire gender.  You just can't.  Sorry.

  11. Well for pretty much every negative characteristic you can think of there will be women that have that characteristic, to a greater or lesser extent. Sorry I don't really understand the question.

  12. Smooth and delicious.

  13. Well honestly it is hard to describe a woman in just words for a man but in not so many words i would like to say that they have negatives and make mistakes just like any other human.

    One thing that stands out for the modern woman today is the lack of confidence men have in her awareness regarding what men are sensitive to.

    More work has to be done here because as of now we are only focusing on sensitization towards women.


  14. a similar topic

  15. There are none. There aren't any positive or negative attributes that only women have or only men have. Maybe you should write your paper on how it's that type of thinking that sterotypes and pigeon holes people.

    Everyone is an individual.

  16. Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

  17. Well you did ask, so here it goes. I see alotta (I didn't say ALL) woman today being control freaks, manipulators, liars and cheaters. But that's what we got when we allow woman to be in positions of authority. So with that said, I hope I didn't step on to many toes. I was married for 9 yrs. and that is my view now, after stepping back and taken a good look at my failed marriage.

  18. Sorry as I see most all women as my Alpha. The ones that aren't my Alpha. Well lets just say I'd rather not go there.

  19. Wow! You have taken on a giant for your paper! Do you really plan on interviewing every women on the planet in order to get a realistic assessment of the positive and negative characteristics of women?

    Or will you just take the answers from 20 poeple on Yahoo and include these?

    If the latter, lets face it, your 'paper' will not hold much credibility!

  20. Shallow, fickle, mindless, manipulative, cunning, small minded, smart, volatile.

  21. Did you mean both single and married women?

    I'll try...If you meant married women, perhaps, women who refuse to cook for their husbands?

    My eldest brother was married to a woman who had refused to cook for him when he requested because of hunger. She ignored him (and I think she also told him to cook for himself), and continued reading her romance book. I was  a witness.

    I learned that my male supervisor has cooked for himself, because his wife has told him that she also works and tired, etc...I thought to myself for a while,

    [ Well, my aunt is different. She works, too, but she still cooks for her husband when he requests, and even if she's tired.]

    And, probably, women who acts dominantly.

    That's what I can think of now...

  22. Selfish











    I could go on for days

  23. right okay,

    well women tend to be rather nasty towards each other

    without actually realising, where as men tend to work together and get along better in teams.

    women in the world actually battle against each other and everyone else to get what they want even when they can't actually see what they are doing,

    where as men work together and get the general satisfaction of working together and then later getting the same rewrd together.

    'gossiping' okay heres something else about women that men can not understand. men don't gossip. women like to know everythign about everyone, and this is something that we can't help, although in the long run it hurts alot more people than we think at first glance.

  24. Motherly.










  25. caring, loving, emotional, pms-it-ive ;)

    lol jk bout the last one! but alot of women really are awesome and concerned. it just in our nature to act mothorly

  26. Glad you are better..

    I think indecisive is a good word.

    It seems when my girl and I come to a decision on something she changes it the second I agree to it. This bit of info is one reason men eventually give up on sharing their opinions when it comes to clothing and the house etc...

  27. Wow...what a question.  I would like to contribute only because I have recently been over analyzing myself(nothing new)  I would have to say negative aspects are that we think way to much, are way to critical of ourselves, and when making important decisions are constantly second guessing ourselves.  I envy men because they seem much more detached from things, and I only wish I could be that way.  We are way to emotional, but from my own life I would have to just can't help.  However I have seen woman that do not have any of those endearing features and would eat you alive.

    Positive...we love with all we have when we decide it is right, we are strong and take allot physically and emotionally from life and keep going somehow, we love our children and that keeps us fighting though we feel we have nothing left to fight with.  

    Good luck with your paper!

  28. Some women are prostitutes,pimps,stupid,p**n stars,get pregnant when they are six teen,get plastic surgery cause they are fat and don't want to excersise .

  29. Stupid EXTREMELY stupid. Ask the ones that are letting their daughters get killed by their fathers in third world countries like jordan etc... I assure you women are VERY stupid. They get married, they have kids oh beautiful pain and torture, I think they love getting up late at night or watching their kids suffer terrible fates, oh well. Oh and spiked heels, or how about "I'm gonna be a stripper yay". Unless you think any of these things are intelligent. No marriage is Not intelligent. What's the divorce rate again oh and how many men abuse and kill their significant others again. Please remind me, I forgot.

  30. Negative                      Positive

    unpatient                    willing

    forgiving                     helpful

  31. Beautiful, smart, s**y, smell nice, enticing, intelligent, empathic, sympathizing, excellent conversationalists...oh you want bad words?  

    Hmmm as a political animal, they are much easier to brainwash & control via the media.  They act more as a group and as such, can tend to view themselves & each other, as always right.

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